I am torn on the duggars. The fact that her snatch is like a clown car, doesn't really bother me. Some families have two kids and fail to give just two children the proper amount of attention and emotional support they need.
What I find scary is how incredibly sheltered these children are. These children (especially the girls) DO NOT have a fighting chance out there in the real world. Their religion seems dangerous to me. It seems way more cult like and I think that's scary.
Atleast the Duggars are there for their children and don't treat them like the coolest new fashion accessory. Much like Angelina Joile. Her and brad really bother the shit out of me. Combined, the two of them have enough money to where they never have to work again and their children will be set for life...However, they continue to do movie after movie, leaving their children to be raised by multiple nannies. It seems their children lack stability because mommy and daddy are rarely ever around at the same time. Nannies are the only constant in their lives. The fact that Angelina, who is perfectly capable of having children, went for Invitro to PURPOSELY have twins, instead of just one baby, is fucking insane to me. Looking at her past mental health issues is a big red flag. She likes things in excess and children shouldn't be just more baggage for you to drag around.