DUH! How do you know if your a 'warm' or a 'cool' (rop...)


I have dark brown hair and eyes... and was told I was definitely a 'cool' -- then someone told me the exact opposite! Any words of wisdom on this?

Or does this not even matter...?

And what new holiday MAC palettes would make me GORGEOUS?! (Yeah, right...



Well-known member
It's weird because I know my colouring is definitely warm (olive skin, dark brown hair and eyes) but I love cool colours to wear. Plus, I do have more than a hint of 'cool' because I have mauvey lips and a bit of pink in my face (whereas body is just olive/brown proper).

You could go up to a makeup counter and ask them, but I know I'm happiest wearing the colours I prefer to wear. Some very warm shades look awful on me, as do some very cool ones.

What colours do you prefer to wear? I'd choose my holiday palette around that. I notice that some do have individual shades that I feel would look awful on me, but if it's only one, at least I can use the other 5.


Well-known member
M·A·C's definition of warm and cool may not be the same as other people's. Have a look at Foundation Help for a bit more information. From your photograph you're definitely a "warm" as far as M·A·C is concerned.


Well-known member
caff, I was wondering if someone had mentioned that MAC does it backwards from what at least I was used to....I'd be "cool" instead of "warm."

With Prescriptives, years ago I did the thing where they figure if you're a "red," or "red yellow," etc. I have like a dk. honey blond hair, brown eyes, no olive to my skin but I tan in the summer (altho I don't try to anymore!), and I always looked for "warm" color choices, but I've crossed over & have been wearing more dusty purples along with my neutral shades, and other colors that I don't know how to categorize. I've found I can't use like too orangy stuff, and for blush you can't go wrong with a nice neutral color or even a light bronzer instead of actual blush.

imhdab, if you have some time to kill, go to a mall and walk up to any counter that looks fun and start looking at colors & you'll have someone pretty quickly offer you advice and want to suggest things. In fact, if you go on an evening that they're not busy, you might find someone that offers to try some colors on you. At least the mall here, I had a friend that worked at the ELauder counter & she did my eyes one evening, and I've gone to buy MAC even recently & they had someone that had stopped by & asked for suggestions so they put her in the chair & did some quick colors for her. Just find someone that has the time & they can pull out stuff that would be perfect. But I don't know that I'd trust the warm-or-cool label because that's kind of confining. Clinique has colors sorted like that, and I can use all but the most cool in theirs. They have some good colors, too. *s*


Well-known member
The warm or cool thing confuses the heck out of me because half the MAs say I am a cool, and half say I am a warm. I prefer silver jewelry, but gold looks good too. I have brown hair with caramel highlights and blue eyes. My skin varies from yellow-toned in some places to pink in others, and all MAs agree that I have a "porcelain complexion" so I just don't know. I have switched to warm stuff for this time of year because it gives me a bit of colour. I guess I'm neutral :confused:


Well-known member
I always assumed I was "cool" but turns out I think I am warm. I don't go with the gold/silver thing though- I am a silver and turquoise addict- so I don't wear gold. I really look better in peaches than pinks and for years I've had Barbie's closet-I always thought because I was fair skinned that I should wear cool colors - I think I look ok in cools but warms really look great-I'm drawn to pretty cool colors but I'm trying to work on my warm collection in clothing and makeup. I've always been a neutral girl anyways eyeshadow wise.


Well-known member
This is always super confusing for me. I'm NC30/35, olive skin, dark hair and eyes. I just go by what I look good in and what suits me. I can't do orange, red, peachy pinks, turquoise/teal, fuschia and violet. But I do look good in browns, taupes, dark blues, blue-based purple/ lilac/ mauve and green.

I think the whole trial-and-error approach is the only way to be sure.


Well-known member
Supposedly, the way to tell is by looking at the veins on the inside of your wrist. If they look blue-- you're cool. If they look more greenish, you're warm.

Warm means you have yellow undertones to your skin, cool means you have pink undertones. But there are alot of in-betweens, and different brands call them different things. I remember a few years ago when I went to a Prescriptives counter for foundation they told me I was a "blue-red". What is that-- neutral? Since blue is cold and red is warm? I don't know.

It's not that it's reversed for MAC, just that the way they label it is sort of wierd. if you're cool toned, like me, you're a NW (not warm). If you're warm toned you're NC (not cool). Which is just confusing.


WOW! Thanks for all the great replies!
You are all my heroes!

OK... my absolute FAVORITE color to wear is burgandy. I've been told that the best colors for me (and I agree) are: burgandy, royal blue, dark green - basically all the jewel tones.

I HATE summer clothing since they're mostly pastels and I don't look good in them. I usually have to search to find darker summer things to wear. (When I was in grade school I had the most wonderful, soft, cuddly green sweater -- it was just about the same green color as is in the border of this board. I LOVED it because it was SO soft but EVERY time I wore it, my teachers would ask, "Are you OK?", "Do you need to go home?", "Are you sick?", etc. Apparently, this sweater made me look yellow and sickly. (I wore it anyway since it took me a while to figure out what was going on!)

My MAC Studio Fix color is: NC-20. (NC = "Not Cool" -- now I know what that means!) I get a little darker in the summer but I don't wear Studio Fix then -- usually only eye makeup since my face is pink lots of the time (and I can't tolerate anything else because it's tooooo hot!)

My MAC blush color is: Buff

My MAC E/S: Brule, Haux, Greystone, and Fake all seem to work for me. I also have Vex but I'm not sure about this one... the MAC person talked me into it...

Does any of this help?! (I think my Studio Fix and Blush are HG's! Most of the shadows too...)

Thanks again! Any other suggestions on how I can become 'gorgeous' would be most welcome! (You guys are awesome!)



P.S. The veins in my wrists look a little more blue than green but they're kinda TEAL colored!

P.P.S. I usually wear my gold jewelry more than my silver...


Well-known member
Heather, I'd guess you'd be "cool" in most palettes except MAC where you'd be "warm" I think.

Those are some awsome e/s colors you've got, they're some of my favorites.

I've made myself a quad using Greystone (which is dc!) along with Scene, Dovefeather and Print. I also love Fake, and would mix that in maybe with the Naturally Eccentric quad that has Velour, try something like Trax with it maybe. Mink pink is a good rich pink that would probably be great on you. And don't forget to look at the purples! There's a couple deep purples without frost that are great for shading/lining. The MAC website can sort the shadow colors for you according to finish or spectrum, so it's fun to look there, and if you hover the cursor over a shade or click on it, it gives the description of the color & finish.


Well-known member
I forgot to say, you could probably make any of the Holiday palettes work. I've gone nuts over the Magenta one. They're all pretty variable colors tho, seems like.


Active member
It took me ages to figure out wether I was cool or warm!
I have pale, olive toned skin (if there is such a thing as a pale olive skin...) and yellow-toned foundations definitelly look more natural on me so that means my skin has yellow undertones . Also my natural haircolor is also not a cool ashy brown but a warmer, chocolate brown.
However, cool-colored clothes suit me much better than warm-colored and I also look a lot better with a cool-colored blush and lipstick (I love berry colors on my lips and also mauves). I haven't experimented much with warm eye-shadows but cool shades suit me well as well.

For a long time I believed that if your skin has yellow undertones, you look better in warm colors (clothes, lipstick etc.). Well, it doesn't work like that for me...


Well-known member
i figured i would be warm because i have olive skin, dark brown eyes and dark brown hair (but now i have random streaks of blonde in it...only the underside/black of my hair is still it's natural color), but i prefer to wear cool shades, preferably pinks and purples.


Well-known member
i have pale olive skin too so it's not that uncommon. i wear whatever looks good on me but i tend to gowith cool eventhough i guess i should go warm, i have dark eyes and dark hair but i prefer the look looks to the warm.


Active member
Originally Posted by Ada
Supposedly, the way to tell is by looking at the veins on the inside of your wrist. If they look blue-- you're cool. If they look more greenish, you're warm.

This is what I go by as well. I am warm.


Just take a look at your wardrobe. If you have mostly cool colors in there, you're most likely cool. If you have more warm colors, you're most likely warm.

(I always thought I was warm until I visited my MAC store and got matched to NW15. I thought "what the hell is she thinking?". But when I came home I looked at my clothes and realised that I do not have a singe sweater in a warm color. How ignorant could I be.. :| )