DUPE for Style Minx!?


Well-known member
alrighty so my MA informed me they hadnt recieved any Style Minx LG from the heatherette collection, infact they havent ever recieved that LG. i need a dupe becuz Hollywood Nights looks funny without a glass.


Well-known member
I can only suggest Pink poodle out of the perm collection? Not quite as fuschia and intense as style minx, but it'll do the job!


Honestly, Style Minx is very, very opaque even by itself! Pink Poodle has a very different tone, so it would sort of change the color of Hollywood Nights. If that's what you're looking for, it's a definite possibility. However, you could just use a clear gloss over Hollywood Nights and that should be fine.


Well-known member
there is a plush glass called "plus luxe". it is similar, maybe a little brighter but a nice color indeed.


Well-known member
Honestly, I don't think there is a perfect dupe for Style Minx, at least from MAC's permanent line. It's very intense and a unique shade (fuchsia with blue tone). That's why I bought a back-up.


Well-known member
I have Dejarose l/g that comes close to it MINUS the blue tone. But when swatched, they look almost identical.
the MA suggested i get flashmode lustreglass to go with hollywood nights. it is cool because you get the sheen and bright color but it's sheer so it lets the color of hollywood nights shine through.