Early Buzz Regarding MAC Collections/Products Coming in 2011 - Discussion

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Specktra Bestie
Now you see, I looked at that image posted on all glam of the woman in the trench coat looking all conservative and professional and then I saw "Ultra-Sued" and I thought we were getting some kind of lawyer collection...

Just kidding. I love the idea of nice matte lips. I think that the technology for doing matte lipstick has improved drastically, so that you don't have to settle for something that leaves your lips feeling dry and cracked.

I'm still seriously lusting after those MES... The more I look at them, the more I want all of them. That's just silly, but I don't see a lot of repetition with ones that I already have. I just have to remember that MES can occasionally irritate my eyes, so it really doesn't make sense to have like 50 of them. I do keep picturing that acid green and blue one paired with Peacocky l/s... Seems like it would be a great look for me to wear for the last birthday of my 30s...


Well-known member
Now you see, I looked at that image posted on all glam of the woman in the trench coat looking all conservative and professional and then I saw "Ultra-Sued" and I thought we were getting some kind of lawyer collection...

Just kidding. I love the idea of nice matte lips. I think that the technology for doing matte lipstick has improved drastically, so that you don't have to settle for something that leaves your lips feeling dry and cracked.

I'm still seriously lusting after those MES... The more I look at them, the more I want all of them. That's just silly, but I don't see a lot of repetition with ones that I already have. I just have to remember that MES can occasionally irritate my eyes, so it really doesn't make sense to have like 50 of them. I do keep picturing that acid green and blue one paired with Peacocky l/s... Seems like it would be a great look for me to wear for the last birthday of my 30s...
lol at the layer collection! how funny! now if mac did a pheonix wright collection i would be all over it! it's a ds game for those who aren't as geeky as me! :)

and yes the mes look better than ones over the previous years! like i said before i feel like mac are going back to their roots with the way these mes look. really funky, bright colours and just awesome! here is hoping there is minimal fall out! :)


Well-known member
So i really want to see swatches of the new msf's! they look so funny! cool looking but odd. i am not sure of i actually want one! the more i look at the picture the more i don't like the weird splat in the middle!
Now i understand why some people don't say the name of the t-site. It wasn't really nice of her to spell specktra wrong on purpose
I'm happy that is over now.

I don't really like the splat in the middle of the msf's too. It looks like one of those rugs made of cow and that freaks me out a bit.


Well-known member
omg that is so funny! and yeah those rugs freak me out too! it is quite weird and random i think! i think the same about the zebra ones!


Well-known member
omg that is so funny! and yeah those rugs freak me out too! it is quite weird and random i think! i think the same about the zebra ones!
I didn't know there where zebra ones too, poor zebra's. I hope in other pictures the msf's look less like those rugs.


Well-known member
So i really want to see swatches of the new msf's! they look so funny! cool looking but odd. i am not sure of i actually want one! the more i look at the picture the more i don't like the weird splat in the middle!
I want to see swatches too! Love MSF's and I'm excited to see/hear what these are all about. I'm hoping they're more glowy and less sparkly.

Downside: The splat in the middle bothers me too! I think the OCD in me would try to even that out and make it a perfect circle...which probably isn't possible, lol. Then again, if it was a perfect circle it might look like a nipple! I don't know if I can handle these new MSF's, lol.


Well-known member
Spunky darlin, I have known about it since last year, when I worked on the line.. it is a "mystery" because for once the info is being kept silent, but I am sure the bloggers will get it and run it down soon enough.. I will post up pics within legal limit time.
as for the T site, well...
I am not allowed to comment.. lol

as for new stuff for end of year.. there will be: sexxy lips via Bouncing (I have the products since last year and have mentioned it before), ultra sued lips and the Daphne Guiness collection as well as some new mses.

Why does the screen jump from side to side.. omg, maybe it's me.. lol

ok, I cannot correct/edit.. I meant ultrasuede not sued.. LOL
i thought you'd have known about it, but that allglam site doesn't seem to be breaking any news, only stealing other pictures and getting info from here. what's what confused me.

so is this mysterious collection daphne guiness? i thought she was with NARS?

thanks HerGreyness!


Well-known member
Lol at them looking like nipples. Yeah, I keep wondering how you go around the splat in the middle, because it doesn't seem possible to just use the outer colour this way. Would much prefer it split in the middle like the Grand Duo blushes were.

I want to see swatches too! Love MSF's and I'm excited to see/hear what these are all about. I'm hoping they're more glowy and less sparkly.
Downside: The splat in the middle bothers me too! I think the OCD in me would try to even that out and make it a perfect circle...which probably isn't possible, lol. Then again, if it was a perfect circle it might look like a nipple! I don't know if I can handle these new MSF's, lol.


Well-known member
Banana, no trouble here -- I can tell you.. I can't show it that's all... no drama, just no pic.. lol.

The suede lip is a smooth mattified lip -- soft suedey looking, not dry, no shine or sheen -- a sea change from the summer looks. long way away still.

April.. Black Karat is gorgeous..and yes, similar in looks.

Meggy.. lol.. not many know of this yet. Someone blipped about it and I walked in and gave the "mystery" a name and a numba

thanks HG

i meant that there was too much drama surrounding that site that must not be named and that's why we cant talk about it!


Well-known member
yea I know what you mean -- I am certainly not getting my ass grilled again
for mentioning it.. lol


Well-known member
Strange, I only like one mes and I`m positive when I`ll see the swatch I`ll find a dupe in my collection. I like the last one champagne-pink, I can`t define the color :)


Well-known member
Yes it would be a lot nicer if they where split in the middle. I really hope the colour around can be used alone, because i do like the pink colour.


Well-known member
i like fake stuff as an aesthetic, i dont see the point in real, cos some synthetic furs are softer than the real thing!

i find its hard to figure out where to draw the line though, i eat meat, i wear leather but im against fur? does that make me a hypocrit?


Specktra Bestie
i like fake stuff as an aesthetic, i dont see the point in real, cos some synthetic furs are softer than the real thing!
i find its hard to figure out where to draw the line though, i eat meat, i wear leather but im against fur? does that make me a hypocrit?

I don't think so. There are a lot of issues specific to the fur industry that make it particularly reprehensible. Plus, fur is a luxury (synthetic fibres have long since eclipsed its practicality as an extremely warm layer for winter, for example). I'm not going to argue that leather and meat are necessary- there are a lot of points of view on the subject- but there's no question that they play a far more practical role in daily life than fur. Just my opinion.

And personally, I find the fake furs are actually loads of fun to look at and more versatile in terms of how they can be used.

To get back on topic, I'm waiting to see the "nipple" MES to determine what I think of them. The QC ones have the little heart, but the purpose of that seems to be to add a simple sheen to the overall colour. The central colour on these seems way to complex just to be a highlight.


Well-known member
I love faux fur.. I have a leopard faux 3/4 jacket.. and a suede coat with a faux fur front.. but then I am old and still have the remnants of my mink -- which will be buried with me along with my traincase and all my mu and jewelry..

as refers the nipple es.. it's just a small peak in the middle of the pan.. lol

you girls are nasty
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