Earth and how it sizes up to the other planets.


Well-known member
The size of the sun freaks me out, I always think that someday in the future future future! its going to be pretty close to us. But its interesting how they can measure how big these planets are. I wonder what kind of things COULD be living on them eh? like creatures? aliens? I dont know im really curious and interested in those kind of things.


Well-known member
Wow.Yeah Ive also though about the size of the sun, compared to earth. . Some people think that the sun might crash into earth. that freaks me out! I think its strange that space is so huge, and it goes on forever and such strange things go on up there, like black holes and such. . I believe that theres some other type of living thing out there, what if, theres another "earth" type planet with humans on it, that we havent Discovered yet, and they havent discovered us, and what If, they arent as advanced in technology as we are or what if they are waay over advanced compared to us. haha i think about this stuff ALLLLL the time i could go on forever. but i wont.

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