easier way to apply blush cream...


Well-known member
I just bough Sweet William blush cream and its my first time using a blush cream. SO! i was wondering if it is better to use a sponge or an angle powder brush blush to apply it on ur cheeks. I did it with my fingers and it seemed to be uneven and was like all over my face than my cheeks eh. ANy tips?


Well-known member
I use my fingers, but I have heard some people used the 192 brush or even the 187 brush. A sponge never quite worked for me, but I guess it is just finding the tool that you work best with. There is no right or wrong way, just what is easiest for you. Sorry, that probably didn't help much, but maybe gave you some new ways to try.


Well-known member
3rd on there not being any one way to apply it. I don't have any of those, so I use the 129 I got in a set.


Well-known member
thanks girls I guess I can do some practice with it with different tools thanks for the links nessa

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