Eating Disorders


Well-known member
99% of those girls on those pro anorexia sites are "wannarexics". I agree, that people who actually have real anorexia don't need thinspiration or ask for tips and such. So stupid.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member

All these links have such broad definitions of anorexia that it sounds like these Internet communities could have people who are anorexic.

I don't think enough research has been done about anorexia that it's fair to say who's a "true" anorexic and who isn't. The internet is a relatively new phenomenon for information. I know that anorexics tend to hide their illness, but the internet is fairly anonymous or gives that feeling.

I don't think it's the intent of the users here, but it sounds like you're trivializing what's wrong with the people in the pro-ana communities. They're obviously very sick individuals to starve themselves and want to be thin to the point of emaciation.

I do believe that there are people who would not be anorexic or do it for "trend" purposes, like there are people who claim to be depressed, cutters, etc., and that that is a completely different illness. However, I'm not convinced that the people in the pro-eating disorder communities are all that way.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark

All these links have such broad definitions of anorexia that it sounds like these Internet communities could have people who are anorexic.

I don't think enough research has been done about anorexia that it's fair to say who's a "true" anorexic and who isn't. The internet is a relatively new phenomenon for information. I know that anorexics tend to hide their illness, but the internet is fairly anonymous or gives that feeling.

I don't think it's the intent of the users here, but it sounds like you're trivializing what's wrong with the people in the pro-ana communities. They're obviously very sick individuals to starve themselves and want to be thin to the point of emaciation.

I do believe that there are people who would not be anorexic or do it for "trend" purposes, like there are people who claim to be depressed, cutters, etc., and that that is a completely different illness. However, I'm not convinced that the people in the pro-eating disorder communities are all that way.

Didn't say they were all "wannabe's" I'm sure there are many people suffering from legit Anarexia on those websites, who use it as a self esteem boost.

However, if you need "thinspiration" or any other motivation to not eat, then you dont have Ana, or Mia. People who have the legit mental disorders, have a compulsive behavior. It's just not them wanting to be super skinny and haveing strong willpower.


Well-known member
There are different kinds of anorexia and different reasons for becoming anorexic.
I have personally suffered through 2 serious bouts, both times I was under insane stress and wanted nothing more than to punish myself for not being as perfect as I thought I should be.
For me anorexia started as a harmless diet but quickly spiraled into an obsession. I spent my days in a starvation induced blur during which I alienated my friends and family, and secluded myself in a world filled with obsessive calorie counting, starvation, and depression. Yes, I was emaciated but I was also miserable. The disorder wasn't a way to get skinny but instead was a way to punish myself. I wasn't what I should be in my own mind, and so not eating was me expressing a desire to self deprecate.
There is also a strong trend in thought that says anorexia stems from a complex mother-daughter relationship in which the daughter wants to remain small and waif-like as a means toward preserving childhood.
Another thought is that anorexia comes from the medias pursuit of the thin body as an ideal, but I don't believe thats a main cause because that would only confirm the whole concept of thinspiration as reinforcement for the eating disorder itself.
I did not for a second think I was beautiful when I was emaciated. I sprouted hair on my arms, was always cold and lightheaded, my hair fell out and skin was a sickly yellow. I didn't revel in the thinness, i just denied that I was as small as everyone was saying I was.
Anorexia is a serious mental illness and should not be idolized. The whole concept of thinspiration and wannabe anorexics just angers me...
Obviously I have a lot to say about this subject. Sorry to bore you all.
End of rant


Well-known member
Ranting is allowed here, and lots of people who find interest in the topic because of personal expierence, or curiosity will read you posts

No apology necessary