Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/e...cle/000362.htm http://psychcentral.com/disorders/sx2.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anorexia_nervosa http://www.psychology.org.au/publica...ets/12.5_2.asp All these links have such broad definitions of anorexia that it sounds like these Internet communities could have people who are anorexic. I don't think enough research has been done about anorexia that it's fair to say who's a "true" anorexic and who isn't. The internet is a relatively new phenomenon for information. I know that anorexics tend to hide their illness, but the internet is fairly anonymous or gives that feeling. I don't think it's the intent of the users here, but it sounds like you're trivializing what's wrong with the people in the pro-ana communities. They're obviously very sick individuals to starve themselves and want to be thin to the point of emaciation. I do believe that there are people who would not be anorexic or do it for "trend" purposes, like there are people who claim to be depressed, cutters, etc., and that that is a completely different illness. However, I'm not convinced that the people in the pro-eating disorder communities are all that way. |