ebay pigment samples haul


Well-known member
basic red
bright fuchsia
copper sparkle
clear sky blue
dusty coral
primary yellow
crystalled pink glitter
turquoise glitter
burnt burgandy
white gold

yaaaay i'm excited....tomorrow i'm gonna use basic red, dusty coral, primary yellow, and clear sky blue.

clear sky blue, turquoise glitter and burnt burgandy are sooooo pretty!


Well-known member
Good for you! Who did you purchase from? I recently used Janice and Strbuks77 and was satisfied with both but am always on the lookout for other good sellers.


Well-known member
I just got a ton of pigment samples (like 14) from fraggersden. He's super nice and his stuff is pretty cheap (I think). And I got it in 2 days.