Ebay seller Biluan123


Hi how is everyone today? I am new to this and I recently purchased some items from Ebay from seller Biluan123 and wanted to know if anyone has done the same. Everything I received appears to be authentic. She has 99% feedback, but we all know how misleading that can be if someone is not educated on fakes. Thanks in advance.


Well-known member
I have purchased many eyeshadows & lipglosses from her and all my items were authentic...However I think a member did buy a pigment and a beauty powder that was not


Well-known member
For more information go to Counterfeit MAC and choose "Search this Forum" from the top right hand corner above the list of posts which will drop down a box. Enter the seller's name in the box and select "Show Posts" and click "Go"

You will then get a list of all the posts in which the seller has been mentioned. To see the posts themselves click the second link to the thread title which appears in each result in italics inside the white box.

Much more reliable than trying to remember whether the seller's name has been mentioned before or not.