eBay seller 'swoosh_uk'


Well-known member
After carefully reading the stickies about fake MAC pigments, and having 11 authentic pigments from another eBay seller (user id: sellingforlessonebay), I thought I should say that swoosh_uk sold an inauthentic 'Dark Soul' to me. I've gotten in touch with swoosh_uk to ask for a refund, and hopefully that will be resolved quickly. The reason why I felt it necessary to post is because this seller is selling about 65 jars of what is claimed to be real MAC pigment. I don't know if what was sold to me is a one-off fake or not, but I certainly wouldn't take another chance on it.

The auction I won is here:


The item is fake for the following reasons (box first, then product):
Sticker on the top of the box says 'A23' rather than the name of the pigment. Font/typeface of the packaging is inconsistently sized. 'PLGMENTOS' spelling of 'PIGMENTOS' on the back of the box. Sticker is printed on the bottom of the box.

Black sticker on underside with white type saying 'A23' rather than name of pigment. Absolutely nothing on the underside of the jar (normally would have a 2 digit number (usually 12), a 4 digit number, and Colt-ainer III). Cover lid has nothing either - authentic MAC has a 4 digit number at least, and recent jars have the Colt-ainer III insignia as well. I'm not sure when they started to use the 'Colt-ainer III' insignia and 4 digits on the cover jar, but I have some authentic pigments from 2004 that don't have that. The product itself doesn't move the way normal MAC pigment moves. It's dusty and seems to clump in a way the normal shimmer/glimmer pigments don't.

Unless swoosh_uk can verify that all of his/her products are authentic, I don't think anyone should bid. I hope this post is helpful. I'm quite angry, particularly since the auction write-up boasts of the authenticity of the product. I'll post again when/if I get a full refund.


Well-known member
Judging by the picture, it is indeed fake.

The part where the "/" already indicates that it is counterfeit including the position of the sticker on the top of the box. The first "/" (after Net Wt.) is more vertical than the second "/" (after 7.5g).

Also, the Dark Soul should look BLACK. It shouldn't have a silver coating on the inside of the jar. The base of the jar also shows its counterfeit-ness because it is way thicker than the authentic MAC Pigment jars.

If you do a quick swatch (and quickly wash it off after you've taken a picture!), is it similar to the swatch that I've posted on the Sticky Post #6 "Identifying fake MAC Pigments ***Guide with photos***"?

I purchased an authentic Marine Ultra (A73) and it has the "Colt-ainer III" insignia under the plastic cover lid and the inside bottom of the jar. I'll have to check the other MAC Pigments I bought from the MAC Concept Store to see if some of them don't have the "Colt-ainer III" insignia on them and let you know later!

I hope you'll get your refund back, ratmist!

ps: ALL the Pigments swoosh_uk is selling are counterfeits.

Pink Bronze
Blue Brown
Accent Red
Azreal Blue
Old Gold
Fairylite - Lighter/Creamier shade compared to the authentic Fairylite.
Melon - Colour looks WAY OFF! Looks more apricot than orange!
Frozen White
Chocolate Brown
Dark Soul
Gold Dusk
Golden Lemon
Rose - I have a sample from the MAC Concept Store and the fake colour's WAY OFF
[URL="http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?type=3&campid=5335833419&toolid=10001&mpre=http%3A%2F%2Fcgi.ebay.co.uk%2FFullJar-MAC-pigment-GOLDEN-OLIVE-for-eyeshadow-blush-15_W0QQitemZ130109267752QQihZ003QQcategoryZ11866QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]Golden Olive[/URL] - It looks SICKLY green. YUCK!

All the textures look disgusting! BLEH! Dodgy.. "User ID kept Private".

Powerseller.. my ass!


Well-known member
Sorry forgot to add this (Infomation gathered from the M·A·C Website):

I want to sell M·A·C products. What should I do?
While we appreciate your interest in M·A·C products, please be advised that our products are distributed for sale only at our authorised retail store accounts, the majority of which are located in major department stores or international perfumeries. While there are other points of sale, we are not seeking to expand our distribution network at this time and we do not offer franchises.

Make-up Art Cosmetics, Inc. 2007, Product Information, http://www.maccosmetics.com.au/custo..._prodinfo.tmpl (4th May 2007)

In other words, there is nowhere legitimate anyone can buy authentic M·A·C items wholesale for onward resale.


Well-known member
eBay Pigments: REAL OR FAKE? **WITH PHOTOS!**

I wish I'd known about Specktra before buying from swoosh_uk. To the uninitiated, it looked fine.

The other 11 pigments I have are not from swoosh_uk. They're all from sellingforlessonebay , who is not a routine MAC seller. I'm including shots of them here because I think it's important to note that these are older (from 2005 and 2004). Because they're pigments, I had no problem buying them even if they were a few years old. Quite likely these have been used once, maybe a few times more, and lain on someone's counter for a while. Maybe not, but I bought on eBay knowing the hygiene risks. The seller said they were as new, but that some were discontinued pigments. I'm not sure what are and aren't discontinued, but I'm sure others of you here can help me with that. Either way, the boxes were very stiff as though they'd been rarely opened, and since I use brushes, I figured I could minimise the hygiene risks.

Also, I checked all of them very carefully and found that each of the 11 bought from sellingforlessonebay have the 'Colt-ainer III' insignia on the cover lid and the bottom (inside) of the jar. The lighting I used the first time to check disguised the insignia, which I was quite relieved to find out this evening.

10 out of the 11 pigments came with a little leaflet from MAC. The leaflets change in size and content depending on which pigment jar it accompanied. More on that below.

I thought I would take a few pictures of the ones I have to help resolve a few questions. I'm new to this forum so I don't know if these questions have already been answered. If so, please feel free to direct me to the relevant thread.


Four of my pigments have silver-background stickers on the bottom of the jar giving the pigment name and the batch code. All of the rest are clear-background stickers. Each of the codes displayed on all of the 11 pigments - including the four silver-stickered pigments - are matched exactly to the stickered barcode on the bottom of their respective boxes. From what I've read on Specktra, the codes are broken down into 'Batch/Month/Year'.

These are the silver-backgrounded stickers: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/191/4...8000a03f_b.jpg

The batch codes for each are:
Melon -> A85
Pink Bronze -> A75
Goldenaire -> A95
Pink Opal -> A25

Given that these four pigments match every other criteria mentioned in other threads for authenticity, I can tentatively conclude that in 2005, these pigments were manufactured and sold by MAC. Can anyone confirm the silver-backgrounded stickers from 2005?

These two are trickier. The jars match up to authentication criteria perfectly. The boxes are a different matter. In all of the photos for the Glitter Brillants, LEFT = 3D Silver and RIGHT = 3D Copper.

These are the boxes for the 3D Silver and 3D Copper pigments.

This is one of three side views of the boxes, and shows the 3D Copper box has a possible authenticity problem:

As you can see, the side details of 3D Copper are stickered on, rather than printed. The font is exactly the same size/shape as the 3D Silver box. The only difference is the sticker-nature. Interestingly, the sticker contains the same glitter effect that the plastic lids of the jars give off in the light.

The stickers on the underneath of the boxes are different from each other.

As you can see, the barcode sticker on the underside of the box for 3D Copper on the right says 'MADE IN USA', which seems immediately wrong to me because MAC is Canadian. Rather than a batch code, both products say 'N/A' but the 'N/A' for 3D Copper is noticably a different font.

These are the other two pictures show the other sides of the boxes.

As you can see, these views show the other sides of the 3D glitter boxes are identical. So are the products real, or fake?

Both of the glitter brillants boxes came with MAC leaflets, which brings me to my last point:


As mentioned above, 10 out of the 11 pigments purchased came with MAC leaflets. Some are identical, and others are different.

I've taken pictures of four to compare.

1. This is from Pink Bronze, which is one of the silver-stickered pigments mentioned in the above section.

2. This is from Kelly Green.

3. This is from Ruby Red.

4. This is from Bright Coral.

The leaflets are actually the most interesting to me because I haven't seen them mentioned in posts about eBay-bought MAC pigments. I was quite upset when I first read the leaflets because many of the ones I purchased from sellingforlessonebay are apparently not to be used in the eye area. I am a novice at MAC products but I'd seen so many positive remarks about MAC pigments that I felt compelled to purchase a few to find out what the fuss was about. I just assumed they could be used anywhere without a problem. I buy most of my eyemakeup on eBay so I figured the pigments would be no different. I had no idea that I would have to wrangle with fakes. As for not being able to use them in the eye area, I have no idea what I'm going to do with those in that criteria now.

If an eBay seller really was interested in just money - despite the age of the product they were offering or even the authenticity of the product - I don't see how they could go to the trouble of printing off a leaflet warning against some uses of some of the very items on offer. So I'd tentatively offer that if there is a leaflet, the product is maybe 5% more likely to be authentic.

****Rat's Concluding Thoughts: Feel free to skip! ****

I don't hold too much stock in the idea that makeup should only be purchased at an authorised retail counter. Sometimes you buy makeup that you end up not using, or doesn't suit in the cold light of day, but can no longer return. Or, if you're like me, you have a hard time stomaching the idea of paying the retail price. On a more personal note, I have a lot of problems going into high-end retail shops to buy things, especially makeup. I always feel under pressure, judged, and foolish. I very rarely wear makeup, but I have a helluva collection for when I feel the need or desire (or when my gorgeous husband takes me out on the town). As an archaeologist, I find little need on an everyday basis to glam up. When I walk near the makeup counters, they nearly always look me up and down, see the untrendy, slightly tatty clothes, the makeupless (but flawless!) skin, and (in my head) probably peg me immediately for a cheapskate. They may be right, but treating me that way doesn't make me more likely to release my hard-earned cash. One of the only times I overcame this was to buy foundation from the Chanel counter and parted with £29.99 for a Double Perfection compact - which incidentally, may be the only tautology I'll ever let slide. In any case, I always feel somehow that the makeup counter isn't for me, and I can only conclude from the way I'm usually treated there that I'm not the only one who feels that way about me. Even the Chanel woman was pretty cold, brisk and rather stiff in dealing with me, but I just chalked that up to Chanel.

And that leads me to eBay. eBay lets me buy without feeling pressure. There are many eBay sellers who abide by the rules and sell authentic products, and I accept there is always a risk. But the issue isn't the idea behind eBay: that is, that you should be able to pick up secondhand or once-used goods at reduced prices, or pick up brand new goods at near-to-wholesale prices. The problem is that eBay doesn't protect consumers as well as it should and haughtily claims to do, and we are conditioned to believe branding means authenticity. Thank goodness for people like Xqueeze_me, caffn8me, and everyone else on Specktra.net for taking the time to provide others with the knowledge to make good buying decisions, especially when it comes to counterfeit MAC products. I salute you all!


Well-known member

How long did it take you to type that up (including picture taking, uploading, etc etc)??

Well done!

As for not using some of the MAC Pigments (listed in the leaflet) on the eye area, I tested Ruby Red and Pink Vivid on my eyelids. No signs of irritation on my eyelids but that doesn't mean everyone CAN use them on their eyelids as everyone may have a different reaction to the MAC Pigments listed in the leaflet(s).

The leaflets I have are quite different even if I purchased them from the MAC Concept Store. I will take some pictures later and post it here. I will also include the counterfeit MAC Pigments' leaflets.

For the Glitters, I have seen in the MAC Concept Store that their labels are see-through with just the colour name and no batch code.

It is MAJORLY cool that you're an archaeologist!
I rarely use make-up as well so welcome to the club. I love collecting them, which is an annoying habit but fun! An expensive one too!

It is harsh how some make-up artists don't acknowledge potential buyers, eh? I've had my share and I've stopped going to other cosmetic counters (except for MAC and Bobbi Brown). The MAC make-up artists are not bad once you get to know them but that's the Melbourne MAC staff I'm talking about! hehe As for Bobbi Brown, I'm always nicely and genuinely acknowledged and assisted.

Ok, I'm blabbing now SO I will now look for the authentic and counterfeit MAC Pigments' leaflets and have a quick photoshoot session!

ps: You're welcome! caffn8me is the person to look up to as she is very helpful!


New member
I am new and have been lurking for a while but just wanted to respond to this thread. I too saw this seller on Ebay and emailed to ask for more pictures etc to verify if the pigments were authentic.
The response I got was
"Dear customer:
It is 100% geniuine. If not, we will refund you. Please don't worry!"

Hopefully you shouldnt have any problems getting your refund but if the rest of the pigments from this seller are fake too then why say they are 100% genuine............grrr this makes me mad - glad I didnt get round to bidding on anything now


Well-known member
I got an email from them today saying they will refund me once they receive the item back. I don't know if they will refund including the shipping costs (both shipping costs) but that's what I want. Ultimately I want them to stop selling fake items, but seeing that they're already being investigated by the Trading Standards, there's nothing I can do but seethe as more people buy from them.

Originally Posted by spacey
I am new and have been lurking for a while but just wanted to respond to this thread. I too saw this seller on Ebay and emailed to ask for more pictures etc to verify if the pigments were authentic.
The response I got was
"Dear customer:
It is 100% geniuine. If not, we will refund you. Please don't worry!"

Hopefully you shouldnt have any problems getting your refund but if the rest of the pigments from this seller are fake too then why say they are 100% genuine............grrr this makes me mad - glad I didnt get round to bidding on anything now



Well-known member
Originally Posted by ratmist
I got an email from them today saying they will refund me once they receive the item back. I don't know if they will refund including the shipping costs (both shipping costs) but that's what I want. Ultimately I want them to stop selling fake items, but seeing that they're already being investigated by the Trading Standards, there's nothing I can do but seethe as more people buy from them.

Do you actually trust them enough to send the items back before you receive your refund? I do hope you'll get your FULL refund back including the shipping costs. You never know some sellers receive the returned items THEN drop off the face of the earth just so they don't have to give you your refund OR they'll say you lied because they sent you "supposedly authentic items" and you return the counterfeits. Happened to a member here.

Dishonest sellers and counterfeit suppliers SUCK!


Well-known member
I'm new here too, so Hi everyone!! I saw this seller with a LOAD of Subtle for amazingly cheap prices, that made me suss right off....


Well-known member
Re: eBay seller 'swoosh_uk': now with extra crap!

Originally Posted by Xqueeze_me
Do you actually trust them enough to send the items back before you receive your refund? I do hope you'll get your FULL refund back including the shipping costs. You never know some sellers receive the returned items THEN drop off the face of the earth just so they don't have to give you your refund OR they'll say you lied because they sent you "supposedly authentic items" and you return the counterfeits. Happened to a member here.

Dishonest sellers and counterfeit suppliers SUCK!

Of course I don't. I haven't sent the crud back to them yet. I got a refund today from the seller - which surprised me, but I guess they're trying to keep their feedback rating. The refund doesn't include the cost of shipping it back to them, which I clearly requested in an email.

As I was reading your comment, I got a message through my inbox. HE'S OPENED A PAY DISPUTE?!! *REALLY REALLY REALLY ANGRY!!*

Seriously folks - he's opened a pay dispute *AFTER* he gave me a (partial) refund.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by panda0410
I'm new here too, so Hi everyone!! I saw this seller with a LOAD of Subtle for amazingly cheap prices, that made me suss right off....

It's only obvious to people if they do a bit of research first. I've had amazing deals on eBay for everything from makeup to a car (seriously, I bought my car for £1500 less than it was worth because the seller didn't know what he was doing). Sometimes a good deal on eBay is a good deal, but only if you research the living daylights out of it first. My first batch of 11 pigments were £10.90 each, which is not that far away from the £8.79 I paid to swoosh_uk.


Well-known member
Re: eBay seller 'swoosh_uk': now with extra crap!

Originally Posted by ratmist
Of course I don't. I haven't sent the crud back to them yet. I got a refund today from the seller - which surprised me, but I guess they're trying to keep their feedback rating. The refund doesn't include the cost of shipping it back to them, which I clearly requested in an email.

As I was reading your comment, I got a message through my inbox. HE'S OPENED A PAY DISPUTE?!! *REALLY REALLY REALLY ANGRY!!*

Seriously folks - he's opened a pay dispute *AFTER* he gave me a (partial) refund.

Is the seller delusional??? What a CHEAPSKATE!! I wouldn't agree with that Pay Dispute! I wouldn't even give them positive feedbacks either! I suppose now you don't have to send those garbage back to them since they've sent you your refund NOT including the shipping cost BACK to them.

Don't settle.. FIGHT! The dishonest seller is WRONG in the first place because they sell/sold counterfeit items, which is breaking one of eBay policies' rules (probably several).

Guideline: If the product you are selling bears the name or logo of a company, but it wasn't made or endorsed by that company, don't list it on eBay.

Violations of this policy may result in a range of actions, including:
  • Listing cancellation
  • Limits on account privileges
  • Account suspension
  • Forfeit of eBay fees on cancelled listings
  • Loss of PowerSeller status

eBay Inc. 2007, Replica, Counterfeit Items and Unauthorised Copies, http://pages.ebay.com.au/help/polici...unterfeit.html (8 May 2007)

Sellers may not disclaim knowledge of, or responsibility for, the authenticity or legality of the items offered in their listings.Sellers should take steps to ensure that their items are authentic before listing them on eBay. If a seller cannot verify the authenticity of an item, the seller is not permitted to list it.

Violations of this policy may result in a range of actions, including:
  • Listing cancellation
  • Limits on account privileges
  • Account suspension
  • Forfeit of eBay fees on cancelled listings
  • Loss of PowerSeller status

eBay Inc. 2007, Authenticity Disclaimers, http://pages.ebay.com.au/help/polici...sclaimers.html (8 May 2007)

eBay should start an "Expel Account" action because dishonest sellers (unless genuinely unintentional) shouldn't be given a second chance. Do it once, they'll do it again! GAAAHH!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by panda0410
I'm new here too, so Hi everyone!! I saw this seller with a LOAD of Subtle for amazingly cheap prices, that made me suss right off....

Hello and welcome to Specktra!


Well-known member
God I'm so angry. I have a 100% feedback rating and have been trading on eBay as a buyer and seller since 2001. And this a$$hole is going to ruin it for me. I wish I'd known about Specktra before I bid.

I thought I'd mention as well - the pigment swoosh_uk sent me has ruined one of my MAC brushes. The fake Dark Soul he sent has discoloured some of my 249's bristles, which kinda freaks me out considering that pigments are normally totally removed using normal cleaning methods. I've tried cleaning it with Johnson&Johnson's Baby Shampoo and with The Body Shop brush cleaner, and it's still not right.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ratmist
God I'm so angry. I have a 100% feedback rating and have been trading on eBay as a buyer and seller since 2001. And this a$$hole is going to ruin it for me. I wish I'd known about Specktra before I bid.

I thought I'd mention as well - the pigment swoosh_uk sent me has ruined one of my MAC brushes. The fake Dark Soul he sent has discoloured some of my 249's bristles, which kinda freaks me out considering that pigments are normally totally removed using normal cleaning methods. I've tried cleaning it with Johnson&Johnson's Baby Shampoo and with The Body Shop brush cleaner, and it's still not right.

I also wish I'd known about Specktra before I purchased those garbage fakes!

The counterfeit MAC Pigments discolour the bristles.. imagine what it can do to your eyes, skin, face, etc.

I hope a few more washes can get rid of that crap!!!


Well-known member
I have reported swoosh_uk regularly over a period of time and ebay do nothing, The fake garbage he/she sells is probably full of lead or other similar nasties and where there is no proper testing or quality control nobody knows what affect this garbage has on your skin, Have you tried soaking your brush in a weak solution of laundry or washing up liquid, see if you can test a bit first before trying, I am not sure if it will work but anything stronger may damage your brush completely


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Xqueeze_me
Hello and welcome to Specktra!

Thanks! Its great to be here - actually a very kind US seller pointed me here when I was inquiring about one of her pigments
heaps of great info here and I have enjoyed reading through the threads!