ebay seller...

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Well-known member
Hi everyone!!!

I'm new in this site, and I'm from Mexico, after I saw your mac collections...I can't wait to have one of my own, the thing is that I dont have a near mac store, and I have to buy my make up on ebay, but I want a trusted ebay seller.... do you know any???
please help!!!!


Well-known member
Hi, I'm kinda new here too, but I know there is a thread in another section of this site that lists good and bad ebay Sellers. If you go to the "MAC chat" section you should be able to find it.

There is also a sub-forum under MAC chat that is called "counterfeit MAC" (or something similar)--if you find a mac product on ebay that you aren't sure about, ask them there before you bid. Apparently there are a lot of fake MAC items on ebay.

Also, there is another sub-forum for international MAC folks and one of the headings is Latin America. Maybe some folks in there could give you some good advice?

Hope this helps a bit! This is a great site and a great resource so welcome!
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