Electra and Silver ring, show up as blue on me!


Active member
Why is this. I am an NC30 girl.. but these colors no matter if I use UDPP or PP, still show up as a blue tone on me?


Well-known member
I had that problem. I used Cyber Metal X shadow as my base for silver shadows and it comes out platinum silver! You should try it.


Well-known member
I have that problem too
but I don't think we're alone. In another thread about this someone (can't remember who, sorry) suggested trying a white base. I tried Overcast s/s and it worked pretty well. Still not the exact non-blue shade they are in the pots but a whole lot better!

Dani California

Well-known member
Oh thank god!! I have this problem too - all silver/grey eyeshadows show up a distinct icy blue shade on me........Crap!!

So a white base? hmm, I shall try that. Thanks.