Empty eyeshadow flip tops


Well-known member
I depotted several of the flip-top eyeshadow pots and put them into my pallette. The empty flip-tops are too cute to throw away...lol.... but I'm wondering, does the empty fliptop (without the pan) qualify for Back to Mac program?

What about just the empty pans?



Well-known member
The Pro Pallette eye shadow packaging doesn't carry the B2M logo whereas the standard eye shadow packaging does.


You can also imagine that someone could depot six regular eye shadow pots and get a lipstick and then take the six pans back as well and get another lipstick even though they have only bought six products.


Well-known member
I'm fairly sure that I've seen posts on LJ about the pro pans being accepted, because they have the specific magnet and sticker, or whatever..

also, I was thinking, could someone b2m their b2m lipsticks?

Originally Posted by caffn8me
The Pro Pallette eye shadow packaging doesn't carry the B2M logo whereas the standard eye shadow packaging does.


You can also imagine that someone could depot six regular eye shadow pots and get a lipstick and then take the six pans back as well and get another lipstick even though they have only bought six products.



Well-known member
Hmm... my counter takes a pen and makes a mark on the bottom of the lipstick when you get it from B2M-- when I asked why, the girl said it was so they couldn't be used for B2M.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ada
Hmm... my counter takes a pen and makes a mark on the bottom of the lipstick when you get it from B2M-- when I asked why, the girl said it was so they couldn't be used for B2M.

Mine certainly don't do that - none of my four B2M lipsticks have any marks on them anywhere.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ada
Hmm... my counter takes a pen and makes a mark on the bottom of the lipstick when you get it from B2M-- when I asked why, the girl said it was so they couldn't be used for B2M.

mine doesn't do that either. i've heard of it being done, but never saw it at my counters or at the freestanding store.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ada
Hmm... my counter takes a pen and makes a mark on the bottom of the lipstick when you get it from B2M-- when I asked why, the girl said it was so they couldn't be used for B2M.

As I understrand it, they mark them so you can't return the l/s for cash. None of my B2M lipsticks have ever been marked, but I'm in the UK and the returns policies are much stricter over here.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by asnbrb
mine doesn't do that either. i've heard of it being done, but never saw it at my counters or at the freestanding store.

My counters or stores have never done that.


Well-known member
Many counters DO mark B2M lipsticks. However, this is to prevent them from being returned for a refund. They are still vaild empties for B2M.


Well-known member
I've never had them mark my B2M lipsticks, but they do take the box and give me just the lipstick, probably for returns reasons.


Well-known member
I've returned the flip tops for B2M but there was one store that asked for the "pan" portion of the e/s case too!! Of course I threw that away already, so I just took my stash to another MAC store. If they know you, they usually won't give you any lip for it.

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