Ever wake up and feel different?


Well-known member

I thought my eyes look animal like here. LOL (close up of photo one)

Regular blah photo of me.



Well-known member
I especially love the top design. I like doing stuff like that to my nieces, their parents hate the face painting though. Humbug!

Don't ever grow all the way up Sparkling Waves!


Well-known member
Neat looks! What's on your hair in the first one? Looks kinda like balloons! You have the most perfect nose ever!!

Okay!!! I looked closer...they are feathers! Didn't realize I could click on them...duhh!!


Well-known member
Hubby said I looked "crazy" . Oh, I guess I will have to do some "normal" looks. ((sigH))

I get worried about people who claim to people "Normal". LOL

This child. I mean old chick likes to have fun.

Thank you for the compliments.


Well-known member
I LOVE it!! - The colouring/shading and how you've done the black on the first one especially (the black lines on the forehead are reminiscent of a gazelle to me).

It must be your childlike heart that keeps you soo youthful looking! I think that youthfulness is the most cherished virtue you can have - its so wonderful when people never loose the 'child' in them. I hope that i never feel too old/silly to get my face painted at zoos etc (im usually a white tiger for the day - it makes going shopping after more fun)

Normal = boring to me


Well-known member
Thank you so much, Wolfsong. Hubby hates that I put it online. I told him that I think people will understand it's just art expression done with makeup. He thinks people will think I am a freak. Whoa! He really hates it. He said it's -"shocking and ugly".

Wow, that's a punch. I said, it's art on my face. "Yeah, it could be called that.", he said.

He said he likes Halloween looks better than this. "It's over the top and too much".

It's not a look for Vogue. I wasn't trying to do that.


Well-known member
If you were to tattoo it onto your face, your husband would have more of a leg to stand on, but its completely removable - and thus harmless! I think its wonderful that you are creative, and open to expressing that - if anyone knocks you for it, its jealously and closed mindedness IMO.
Face painting/using makeup for art purposes (rather than everyday 'natural' makeup), or 'dressing up' doesnt ever mean you are a freak, it means you are a creative person (one which should be encouraged!)
I hope you continue to do what makes you happy and express yourself - we only have a certain amount of time to live. We may as well enjoy life and be ourselves - not be put in a box, or be the identical to those around us


Well-known member
I actually took many pictures of these two looks. You got it. The first one is the spirit of animal/person. I was so glad you saw that.

Hubby & I had a discussion on many different art topics. He admitted that he had never seen anything like it. I took that as a compliment.

I am going to be doing a series of faces as my art medium. They aren't for "beauty" sake. They are what they are. They will have a spirit and identity all their own.


Well-known member
I think thats wonderful - i hope to be able to see them sometime!

Alot of people have a tendency to only want to see/expect to see art that is 'beautiful' or 'safe' (watercolours of flowers and lakes, anyone?). Art is what you have to/want to express, what moves you, what makes you feel - its not always a positive emotion, and thats okay (as long as you dont disregard it as something that isnt art because of this).

It sounds to me that your husband is coming around - maybe it was a bit of a shock!


Well-known member
I want to do his face. He has a wonderful masculine face. He starts running.
I need a male template. That's what I tell him.


Well-known member
"Flowers and lakes anyone". I love that.

I added the black & white photo. Looks so blah. But, hubby likes that better. I know. It's normal. LOL


Well-known member
The black and white one is very sultry and Monroe-esque. I love how your eyes are in shadow. (Off topic: just noticed how cat like your eyes are! My eyes have thick blackish outlines too, but they're blue.)


Well-known member
I have had people say they have seen my eye color change in front of them. I guessing. That they are seeing my eye reflect the colors that are around. I don't really know.

It's sounds like you have some beautiful eyes, wolfsong.


Well-known member
In the 1st picture, you can actually see the shading better in black and white. The 3rd picture looses it's affect in black & white, because it has less pigmented colors. On the right side of the face, there is a pale blue shade that ties in to the head band like area done in an aqua shade.

That's all I am doing on these. I feel so rusty.