

Well-known member
yet another skin problem lol. I have what i guess is excema. When I went to the doctor some months ago she scraped off some of the skin and they said it was just dry skin. WHen I was younger I used to get what i called "rough patches" on my face from time to time. But they wouldn't stay more than 3 days. Then last year two popped up @ different times . A teensy dark spot on my back and a teensy dark one on my stomach. I kept putting on lotion and those went away. And they faded. But now I have it on my neck and it's much bigger and it's dark of course. But it's not going away. Before, all the doctor prescribed was Cortisone cream. But it wasn't even itching, so I don't know why lol.
Does any one have any recommendations? Also any tips on making sure it ffades cuz right now my neck just looks dirty in the spots where the excema is.


Well-known member
Hey I have eczema too! (not to sound happy about it!).. But I was prescribed hydrocortisone cream because I get rashes of it at drastic weather changes and itch really badly =(. My arms get it and my neck worst of all but by using the cortisone I find that my spots fade. I also use Eucerin cream or lotion in combination with the corstisone and works like wonders.


Well-known member
I'm having a pretty big eczema flare up myself. I've got big patches of it on both elbows, the underside of both upper arms, and big time on my scalp (that's the worst one for me). I would imagine the cortisone cream was for its steroid properties - it'll help itch but also reduce general inflamation (that tends to be part of eczema). It's good to use but try not to overuse is as long-term use is supposedly not that great for your skin anyway. Get a medicated moisturizer and use it like a fiend along w/ hydrocortisone or eucerin as suggested above. I get the moisturizing hydrocortisone cream sometimes but still moisturize in addition to that.

And try to reduce stress, of course. That's what's causing my flare up and it's a common factor.

Some people swear by the Dream products from Lush; I haven't been using any of them long enough to say (though recon helps my scalp a lot). Others say a tar-based lotion has been great for them (also helps with psoriasis).


Active member
My daughter now 3 had eczema really bad when she was smaller. I tried everything and the doctor told me there was a good chance that she would grow out of it. We used different types of prescription creams for it from the doctor and dermatologist they helped some but it was a never ending battle, I felt so bad that I couldn't make it better. In the end she finally just got better now she rarely has dry patches at all.
The one suggestion I can make is to apply aquafor or eucerin ointment, anything thick and really moisturizing right after you get out of the shower. Also you can do this even while you are using your other creams as an in between treatment. I know from seeing my daughter with this that it is not a fun thing to have so I really hope that this helps.