Experiences with a Skin Peel


New member
Has anyone here ever had a TCA skin peel? How does it make your skin feel? Does it work as it claims it does?


Well-known member
Yes, I do them once a month, or once every other month.
I started with low % lactic acid peels, then went up to glycolic peels low % and worked my way up to 50% glycolic. I now do the 12-15% TCA peel and alternate monthly with the 50% glycolic. My skin has never looked better, and that's coming from a person who had severe cystic acne in high school and was on Accutane!

I have purchased from platinumskincare.com and makeupartistschoice.com. Both sites are great and helpful with the info. I like the soap-free cleansing bars from makeupartistschoice.com - they send you a sample with your peels.

I wouldn't start with a TCA though, they are pretty strong. Maybe try a low % lactic or glycolic and work your way up. It may take a while (it took me 2 years to work up to TCA) but it is worth it! My skin is smooth, clear, and glows! I have received many compliments on my skin from people, which is so weird, considering I was teased and called names in high school.

Anyway, I would definitely check out those sites and read the testimonials and look at some of their before/after pics. Definitely read up on it and see if anyone else replies. IMO, they are well worth it and work wonders!