Experimental - the way I am now listing confirmed fakes


Well-known member
I daresay that I'll root out a few more fakes over the coming weeks so thought it might be useful to have a standard listing format which will show folks why I identify something as fake and give other useful information.

From now on, not only will I provide links to the sales listings but also upload pictures of the offending articles to Specktra so that if the listing is withdrawn, members here can still learn how to identify fakes.

I've done my first such listing here.

What else do folks think I should add or is there too much information there?

Please let me have some feedback




Well-known member
idea on fakes perhaps...

I know there's a listing for favorite eBay sellers (I'm all for that). But what about a listing for suspected fakers? Personally I would find that more helpful than the "oooh! I got a fake! look at the pic!" format (though that is helpful too).


Well-known member
I'd be more than happy to compile my own list of sellers of known counterfeit products. I've been offline for quiet a long time so am a bit behind on everything internet related but I'll work on something.


Well-known member
I really like the way you've been posting these. It's very helpful to me to be able to see fakes and see why they are fakes. I thank you so much for that.

I agree a list of known counterfeit sellers is a great idea too.


Well-known member
Just so ya know-a wholeseller is trying to pass off fakes. A whole bunch of folks are going to be selling them soon. Keep your eyes peeled.


Well-known member
Great idea, but I wonder...

I totally agree with the idea of listing the names of ebay sellers who sell confirmed fakes. I'm concerned, however, with how easy it might be for a seller who has been "found out" to change his/her name, get another ebay account, and continue to do shabby business. Maintaining a list of fakers might end up being a neverending battle. Thoughts?


Well-known member
I've now decided to list the seller's ID within the title of the post so people can quickly see which sellers to avoid without even opening the posts. I may at some stage compile a list of sellers who sell confirmed counterfeit product as a separate post.


New member
hey folks have just joined, awesome site! totally agree with name & shame list....I too have, like many of you, been conned out of my money with fake MAC eyeshadows, not to mention fake Dior & Juicy Tube glosses.....but that's a wholeeeee other story! great work guys!


I am brand new to this and I cannot figure out how to post a question. I am hoping I can find someone who can help me spot fake pigments. I just won a large lot from a seller in the UK and am worried that they may not be legit. If anyone can help me out, please let me know?! Thank you


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DejaVu
I am brand new to this and I cannot figure out how to post a question. I am hoping I can find someone who can help me spot fake pigments. I just won a large lot from a seller in the UK and am worried that they may not be legit. If anyone can help me out, please let me know?! Thank you

If you like, you can send a link to the eBay seller so the folks here can check. I'll also send you a private message with some information on how to spot fake pigments.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jkads
Just wondering, will there be mistakes? Like wrongly identifying a otherwise original product?

I'll never post one of my "reports" unless I am absolutely 100% certain that the products are fake. If I'm not sure I'll say I'm not sure. I'm lucky to have been using M·A·C for the last ten years so have some experience of the older style packaging - things like screw top eye shadows, lipsticks with lids that aren't rounded at the end and unusual sizes. I'll always consider whether a product is old or limited edition before I declare it to be fake. I also always look at the seller's other items to see whether they are selling other suspect items. Usually, the mistakes in the packaging are pretty obvious so there's no issue. I never use colour of a product to determine authenticity.

See the threads I posted Please be careful when declaring items to be fake and The danger of using colour in photos to identify products as counterfeit


Is there anything one can do if they had been accuse of selling a fake? I just sold a lipstick off Yahoo. It was brand new and I had not even used it. But the buyer insisted it was a fake and wants a refund. I bought the item off the MAC sale by Estee so I am certain of it's authencity.


Well-known member
Hmm I feel like whenever we know that an Ebay user is selling a fake item, we should get as many people as possible to report the item, and/or report the seller! This way we could help do something for the ebay community, and stop people from buying fakes


Well-known member
Wait, I'm confused. How are we doing this? Are we putting a sticky?

Why don't you put a sticky and put the confirmed fakers and have them in alphabetical order? Then everytime you find a new one you can just put it in the right spot.

It will take time in the beginning but save time in the long run.

The ease of the sellers changing ebay accounts has gotton harder but the ID wouldn't be.

Just a thought.