eye lining



I need recs for lining the eyes. I need some photos may be to understand well. I have round eyes. I want to line my eyes with black eye pencil but don't know how to. I will be waiting for your helps


Christina Victoria

Well-known member
I don't have any pictures, but maybe I could describe it to you.

For lining the lower lash-line, -gently- pull down on the skin underneath your eye, and with the pencil, come from underneath the lashes and gently push them up a bit to see the lash-line a little more clearly. Gently line your eyes alone the lash-line with your eye pencil, as little or as much as you want to. You can do the outer corners, 3/4, or all the way from the outer corners to inner corners. If you want to line your waterline, I recommend getting a water proof-eye liner, and use a very soft one to practice. Tug gently at your skin below your eyes as you did before, but this time all the way so you can see the waterline (this is the little pink strip of skin, the bottom of your eye). Place your eye-pencil starting from the outer corners of the waterline, and line as you desire. Please be aware that some people disagree with water-lining, and while I have never personally had any issues, you may wish to read on to the Product Safety forum and see the thread about it there.

For upper-lid lining, close your eye, and pull down a bit on the lid. Once you're able to see the lash line, line from the outer corners to wherever you desire.

Tightlining - There are some tutorials on this, but it's basically like lining your waterline, except the one on the upper lid (Don't think that it's called a waterline, but same idea). I wouldn't recommend this for beginners, so you may wish to go to a MUA and have him/her explain it more clearly.

Remember to use a soft pencil, go slow, and be gentle! Use a Q-tip to wipe away any mistakes.

Hope this helps!


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