Eye Make Up Help~~~~~~


New member
Hello hello......
So, i'm going to start wearing some makeup for my eyes. But i only have single eyelids (i'm korea)
So, do i only apply eyeliner and mascara?
I don't know if i'd look good if i applied eye shawdow on with single eyelids.
I don't like dark colors. I perfer light colors.

If you could give me some suggestions. That would be wonderful.
And perhaps the name brand too. thank you!


Well-known member
Definitely curl your lashes and use mascara! As for eyeliner you could always try the waterline to start with.
Oh and theres TONS of great tutorials on here to help with applying eyeshadow to single eyelids so def. check those out too! Sorry im probably not much help but my best suggestion would be to check the tutorial section


Well-known member
I have single eyelids and I don't think you should limit yourself to just eyeliner and mascara! Go ahead and try to work with whatever colors you like.. I find that single eyelid people have a lot more room to work colors than those with double eyelids, and I love using bright fun colors, especially since it's summer!

If you don't have much money I would suggest NYX shadows.. they're really great and are fairly cheap.. but if you have cash to burn go ahead and get some MACs!! You can ask the MA for some help and just play around with their colors!
