Eye Makeup Remover


Well-known member
Not sure if this is the right board but.., I just ran out of makeup remover. I don't have any money to go get any or anything. What can I use to remove my makeup? Soap and water just isn't working for me. And I was being stupid so I used alcohol (
), it worked.. but it hurt!


Jennifer Mcfly

Well-known member
No no no!!! not alcohol!!!

you can use a little vaseline, or olive oil. you only need very little of either one. then make sure you wash your face afterwards.


New member
OMG please don't use alcohol again! That is not only harmful to your eyes but it will dry up your skin. That is no area to mess around with!

I agree with JM.
If you don't have any of those try baby shampoo, even chapstick will work in a pinch. Heck veggie oil is even better than rubbing alcohol.

Other things that work w/out harming your eyes: Almond oil, sesame oil, contact lens solution, baby oil, milk, yogurt, Canola oil


Well-known member
i use jajoba oil - i never buy eye makeup remover - this stuff takes it all off.. i get mine at GNC but you can probably get it at a CVS.. and it lasts a while !


Active member
Originally Posted by eve62
Sometimes i use my cetaphile moisturizer. i dont know if i should though. LOL.

The Cetaphil cleanser works the best. Just use it dry and wipe off with some cotton pads. And it's cheap, too.

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