Eye Only Piggies?

Randy Rose

Well-known member
Hey girls and guys . . .

Just a question. How seriously do ya'll take the "recommended usage" of the pigments? My favorite use for the pigments is creating bold lip looks, and was dismayed to find that a LOT of the Pro Pigments are not recommended for use on the lips. I used an intense wash of Golden Olive on my lips the other night over Myth without realizing that it was on the list . . . I didn't suffer any negative effects, but now I worry about doing this in the future . . . thoughts?


Well-known member
I think the recommendations are there partly to cover mac's back and to warn you that an adverse reaction could occur. Its possibly that ingesting certain ingredients may affect you in their opinion! I'd say as long as you're careful & don't do it too often you'd be fine! I'd love to see a picture of you wearing the golden olive though!


Well-known member
I often ignore the rec's and try them on lips anyway, I've never had a problem, but I also use prime n prep on lips as a base first which may be beneficial in avoiding some sort of reaction.