Eye primer - Cargo Eyebase?


New member
So I went to Sephora, completely set on buying Too Faced Shadow Insurance, because I heard great stuff about it, but as I wondered around, trying to figure out if they had anything by Urban Decay (apparently, they only had one of those sets with e/s, glitter and...something else), I caved in and asked one of the shop assistants.

After we were talking for quite a bit, she mentioned she saw me fiddling with TFSI and immediately said I should try Cargo's primer, called Eyebase . I was a bit baffled by that, since, on a previous trip to Sephora, another girl recommended Cargo's concealer. Two questions popped up "does Sephora have some sort of deal with Cargo" and "should I try it".

Well, girls and guys...should I? Have any of you tried it, and if so, would you recommend it over TFSI?


Well-known member
Only Shadow Base I absolutely love is the UDPP... Cargo might be good but I just don't waver when something really works... I did hear good things about Too Faced. Wait, there is a major deal with a buyout of a portion of stock from Urban Decay!..
To answer your ? about sephora and cargo, no, they aren't partners in any way...As a former emplloyee, I can tell u that every girl has her favorites. Its easier to recommend products that you've had trainings on or from the companies that are good about giving us gratis. (free product) There were some products in the store that I had a hard time recommending because of the lack of vendor trainings or actual experience with the product. Cargo has done a lot with their line in the past year so I wouldn't be surprised if they've paid the store a few visits with info, training, and gratis to help them sell their stuff. I usually recommended UDPP for most people with normal to oily lids. TFSI, I recommended for dry or mature lids...I rarely recommended any other primers. Based on the reviews at sephora.com it looks like its worth a try. It is slightly tinted so keep that in mind be4 you buy.


Well-known member
I haven't used Cargo's base, but I've used UDPP. My only beef with UDPP is the unpractical packaging that you must depot to get the full amount of product (youtube has many vids, Enkore's was most helpful). Because UDPP is such a pain in the ass I doubt I'll repurchase. I am loving MAC's Prep+Prime eye, I also love paintpots.

I've heard great things about Too Faced Shadow insurance, I can't speak from experience but I think that is a safe bet. Prob cheaper than Cargo too, which is a plus.

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