if your red eyes are caused by the same thing as mine, it's best to let your eyes "rest" from contacts - i am used to wearing mine ALL day, so now i try to at least change to my glasses when i am home.
oxygen. sorry if i sound geeky - it's the pharmacist in me.[/quote]
I do agree with you, glasses when you are at home or not dependant on your contacts is the best way to go. As for blood vessel growth into the cornea as a result of overwearing contacts is not a good sign. Definitely start wearing your glasses or even consider stop wearing contacts for a little while. If you cant live without your contacts, give Acuvue Oasys a try. It has hydraclear plus and the lens is designed for comfort and better O2 flow....remember there are other biological properties within the eye.
if contacts are not your problem...I agree with shimmer, determine the problem and then try to go from there.