eyebrow bleaching/lightening tips?


New member

i am about to embark on a quest to lighten my very jet black eyebrows somehow. Any idea how to do so? without them looking horrendous?

I have been advsed something like jolene bleach but am worried about them going orangey

If anyone has any tips on this they would be greatly appreciated

Thank You



i use Jolene when i want to do this.. it works, but sometimes it works well and sometimes not so much.
Its a timing thing..
you have to be soo precise with the timing and the time i turned mine orange was cause i got caught up watching tv!! I fixed them with brown powder and it ended up looking better that way (a better blend of colors) but if i went to the gym i had to be really careful not to sweat/wipe the brown away!!
ive been wanting to do it lately so if u go for it lmk and ill jump in with you and we can post our B&A's!!