eyeshadow creasing with paints.


Active member
Hey all.

I use Macs paint 'untitled' as a base and noticing my eyeshadow is creasing in about 2-3 hours! Tends to crease more on one eye than the other. I've heard so many people say how paints dont crease or if they do it's when u have had your eyeshadow on for like 8 hours - not sure why it isn't working like that for me.

People keep talking about this urban decay primer stuff but i dont think i can get it in Australia. Is there any alternative bases i could use that wont crease as much as paints have with me?



Well-known member
Sometimes you can get UDPP on ebay, or ask for a CP in the clearance bin here - somebody might be able to help you

Not all bases work for everyone, paints are great for some, but are awful for others so you will need to play around to find what works for you. I hate paints, but UDPP or the new paintpots work great on my eyes - maybe try some of the new MAC paintpots which are available here first and see if that helps. Other people like shadesticks (not me though...lol!), so thats another alternative. Its really just going to be trial and error until you find something that works for you.


Well-known member
How are you applying the paints? Don't use your fingers (your fingers have natural oils), use a brush like the 239. Get a thin layer all over your lid and then apply the shadow. If that doesn't work then try powdering your lids before applying the paints.

I have really oily eyelids and everything creases on me, paints and UDPP too. So I paired the two and it works for a few hours but it still creases haha it's the best I can do.


Well-known member
I had that problem with paints when I applied too much - make sure it's a very thin layer!

I tend to use my fingers, too, when I use my paint pot (Bare Study). I've had better luck with Bare Study not creasing than the paints.



Well-known member
you can get primer potion at an aussie online retailer for about $25- I dont think were allowed to post links so PM me and I'll give you the info.