Eyeshadow Shade Similarities


Well-known member
I have just got back into wearing purple shades. I have Parfait Amour , Beautiful Iris and Sugarlily

How does Little Minx differ. I can't get to a store so only have the website swatches to judge by.
Has anyone got a photo of little minx with any of the others? Or can you tell me if this is worth investing in.

Thanx muchly


Well-known member
I haven't seen it either, but I read in a review on MUA that it was very similar to whim, the purple mineralize e/s from rococo.
I found a picture on MUA:


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lola336
little minx is i think best compared to crystal..i think little minx is a tad darker. hmm..i never tried but i think it could be close to sugarlily. this site has bsically every color:

try to compare with this..HTH

That is a brilliant site- Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.

I will now have to start another wishlist


Well-known member
Little Minx s*ck! It's not enough pigmented and doesn't stick on the lids. I exchanged it for Naturally Eccentric stuff.


Well-known member
here's a pic of beautiful iris: (sorry its soo big!)

and here's little minx:

being a velux pearl.. beautiful iris comes on like butter! its a bright purple.. and little minx is darker.. (almost gray) has a grayish purple tone to it- more purple though if that makes sense.

//edit by mod : picture exceeds size limit


Well-known member
I agree with Pretty Kitty about Little Minx. I was so underwhelmed with it. Parfait Amour however is wonderful.


Well-known member
Oh goodie, I liked the look of Little Minx but sounds like I might not need it. I have yet to play with my Parfait Amour, but wanted to declare how much I love Beautiful Iris.

I do have crappy eyesight...am I the only one who sees slight green duochrome/iridescende in BI? *ponders*


Well-known member
I think Little Minx is a little too grey for my taste, so if that doesn't strike you, I'd pass on it


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Frighteningly Similar MAC Eye Shadows

I thought i'd start a thread on this because I couldn't find one, but i've seen some posts comparing colors that seem to be very close. I just bought 3 colors myself that are really close, now i wish i'd only gotten one of them...
shimmer moss

and also freshwater and belle azure look very close to me..

Do you have any comments on this before i spend all my money?!


Well-known member
freshwater IS belle azure. its just a repromote basically, in a shiney gold pot :p

steamy and shimmermoss ARE similar but i find steamy to have slight more pigmentation and has a little more blue in it. not a huge difference but ya


Well-known member
Yeah.. I remember that when I was buying shimmermoss. I picked up steamy like 8x when I was trying to find shimmermoss. I bought shimmermoss just because it was a vp :p


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There are a good number of close, but not quite similar shadows. Particularly if you take into account limited edition shades.


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Stencil and Samoa Silk. Samoa Silk looks lighter in the pan, but they are dead on the same when applied.


Well-known member
LM was too close to Madam B. Plum and other colors I have, so I returned it. Now if it had been VP formula, that would have been an entirely different story!


Well-known member
I have Parfait Amour and I looove it! It's light purple, but with some blue duochrome in it. Not very pigmented, so you kind of have to pack it on a bit, but it's worth it! ;D


Well-known member
These are 2 lipsticks that I think are too similiar to own both, Euroflash and Flitter. They're a little different but not enough to need both.


Well-known member
if you look at the macsite, you'll see that steamy and surreal have the same discription. the only difference is that surreal is a little lighter and less pigmented (steamy is for daredevils


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sxychika1014
i can tell u that amber lights and casino are the same freaking color!!!

I noticed that as well.

As said above the Belle Azure e/s from the Bell Azure collection is the SAME as Freshwater. The only difference is the gold pot, lol.

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