Eyeshadows...Do you prefer to keep them single or put them in pallets?


Active member
I have 17 single MAC eyeshadows that I've collected here and there from the MAC store to my local CCO. I also have a MAC 15 palette filled with 10 MAC pan e/s that I got at the pro store, so I have yet to actually depot an eyeshadow.

For now on I hope to buy the majority of e/s in the pans so I can just put them in the 15 palette's which would save me room in the long run, I just can't decide if I should try depotting my singles. Part of me actual likes the e/s in the single pots, I think they look cute in them.....

Anyway, on to the post question, do you prefer your MAC eyeshadows in the single pots or palettes?


Well-known member
It'd be great to have some B2M containers and exchange them for a free lipstick! And since you already have a 15-pan palette why not? Although I hesitate depotting e/s if it's limited edition or comes in those unique containers like in Moonbathe, etc.


Well-known member
I depot everything! I don't care what it is, it goes into my palette. It's so much easier to navigate and I get lots of free l/s or shadows.


Well-known member
^^ It's great to B2M them as long as the store/counter will take them without the pan, a lot of them won't do it. That has deterred me from depotting anymore of my shadows, plus it doesn't bother me that they are in the pot.


Well-known member
woahh they don't accept it without the burnt pan? i have a zillion back to macs that i was saving up but i threw out all the plastic pansss!!!!! i had no ideaa grrr ill be upset if they say no!!


Well-known member
They wouldn't take mine without the tin pan & I didn't have the tin pan because it was in my pallette
Some people on here say they have done it without any trouble, but others myself included, were turned down because there was no tin in the pot.


Well-known member
^I was able to exchane mine without the tin pans with no questions asked. I don't know why some MAC stores would be so strict about it...I think the plastic materials are the ones that should matter.


Well-known member
Definitely a palette- it would be a pain in the butt for me to dig around finding the color I want if they were in the containers.


Well-known member
My collection of shadows grew waaaay too large for me to keep them in pots - I've got enough for 5 palettes at least by now! (Tho I'm sure still less than other members =P). Too much to rummage through, even with my blushes (I've got 2 2/3 palettes filled). Like others have said, it's much easier to find what I'm looking for when they're laid out in a palette.


Well-known member
I have a ton of MAC shadows and they all stay in their boxes and in their pots. I personally am not a big fan of depotting. It could be because I am afraid I will ruin them if I try to depot (even though everyone swears it is sooo easy). I guess I am in the minority!


Well-known member
I have 92 e/s and which ever ones I didn't buy in pallette form are depotted =] I depot EVERYTHING!! And my counter takes them back w/o the pan, so i'm good!

Depotting is quick once you get the hang of it, 17 shouldn't take you long at all, and then think of how easy colors will be to find =]


Well-known member
I have depotted all of mine. If it's not organized where I can see it, I tend to forget that I have it. I hate to not use beautiful e/s shades. I like to organize them by color. Also, it prevents me from buying e/s that I don't need.

I hate to hear others had a problem returning their depotted containers for the B2M. Fortunately, I have had no problem so far.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by coachkitten
I have a ton of MAC shadows and they all stay in their boxes and in their pots. I personally am not a big fan of depotting. It could be because I am afraid I will ruin them if I try to depot (even though everyone swears it is sooo easy). I guess I am in the minority!

No, you are not
I've got many, many single MAC shadows and they all stay in their boxes. I am a hugh fan of single eye shadows.


Well-known member
Single shadows in their plastic cases travel better and stay fresher and have a longer shelf life. Palettes are more convenient.
I haven't had a problem returning the little plastic eyeshadow containers B2M!!


Well-known member
I have 4 nearly full palettes (b/c I pressed pigments too) but its weird, getting my look together in the morning I seem to go for the singles more often than opening the palettes.

So I'm conflicted right now, I liked depotting them but I don't go for them as often (which is weird since there's like 15 in each, you'd think I'd go for them more for the many colour options....)


Well-known member
The decision to depot was a storage issue for me. Because the lids of the singles are rounded, they aren't exactly stackable. I had 17 singles in a section of the top tray of my traincase, now I've got 9 4-pan palettes occupying the same space (3 stacks of 3).

If I can't see something, I won't use it so I use the 4-pan palettes. If they made 15 pan pallets with a clear cover, I'd be all over those.

I depot my LE ones ASAP so if something does go horribly wrong while depotting I have the option of getting another one before it's gone forever. I use my CHI flat iron protected by a piece of parchment paper. So far, everything's depotted beautifully, not a single nick in my shadows. *knocks on wood*