facial/chest Hives -rant/help!


Well-known member
I am sooo upset now. Since the 1st I have had hives on my ears, then neck, chin now chest and chin- oh- and now on my eyelids.

I went to the doctor twice now- the first time friday I got a shot of Kenalog and told to use benadryl pills and creams. kept getting worse.

So The dr sent me to a dermatologist and he gave me steroids and another shot of kenalog.

Anyone else ever have this happen? my face looks terrible


Well-known member
Have you eaten anything you don't usually eat? It sounds like a food allergy. Or perhaps used a skin product that you've not used before?

If you have some anti-histamine (for hayfever) that can be really good for getting rid of hives. BUT I'm not a doctor so you should check with your doc first.

Corvs Queen

Well-known member
Are you getting strep? Because that happened to my sister when she had strep. Well, she gets them everytime she gets strep.


Well-known member
I get hives quite frequently on my neck, but mostly on my arms. I get them from anything that is highly fragranced


Well-known member
I went through my diet and it all seems the same except for 1 day I had edmame with kosher salt. that was 1 week ago. I did try a new shampoo (aveda) but quickly switched back when this happened. and I have had no change in detergents. I am not using any body porducts now- I am to afraid.
I return to the dermatologist on the 18th.
he did say it could be a VIRAL rash. but he could not know for sure till my bloodwork came back.

Thanks for your responses- I ended up sleeping with socks on my hands last night so I would not scratch myself. It was quite a sight

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