fafi 1 or Gentle Fume Help deciding


Active member
First off green eyed light/med complexions with light brown hair.
I have been trying to decide bewteen the two. Would the Gentle Fume quad be to dark?
ALso I could get something close to Howzat since I have things that are close to the others and then get things closee to gentle fume since I already have carbon, Want my best bag for my buck though.

Of the 2 will they both work is is one over the top for me.
Help. Thanks in advance


Well-known member
I have both and I love them both and use them both often. If you already have carbon though, it's pretty easy to dupe the rest of the colours in Gentle Fume. I definitely suggest you get Fafi Eyes 1, Howzat is a gorgeous colour!


Well-known member
My MAC MA picked Knight Divine as the closest dupe for Howzat. My MAC counter used Scene, Carbon, Knight Divine and Forgery to dupe the Gentle Fume quad when they ran out.


Well-known member
I'd say Fafi 1. I've been using it almost everyday since I bought it about a month ago. Two of the colors are permanent, but the other two are gorgeous. I use Hey constantly and wish I could justify buying the whole quad again so I'd have a backup of Hey. Like other people said, Gentle Fume is really easy to dupe with the permanent collection's colors.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by andersonsrus
what would be a dupe for hey

Similar colors are Goldenaire and Tan pigments and Naked Lunch and Jest shadows.