Fafi Hand Bag Help Please


Well-known member
So I have to buy a new purse because the one I have makes a noise that apparently drives my fiance crazy...it's like if I run my nails over it by accident and scratch it, it makes a zipper noise almost....(he's apparently weird lol)

So anyway I found this bag at milksugar+ but it's site is in German and I can't figure out how to order it
(I can get the first page to translate sort of through Google but it doesn't translate the purchase page), from what I saw they say they ship to the US but does anyone know how I can buy this or another place that sells this one? I found a red one but they want like $80 US just to buy it (I really want the purple too) and I heard there are fakes of these on the net so I'd rather not buy from Ebay. Thanks so much for any help!



Well-known member
I like the bag!

Here is what I would do if I wanted to order it:

* Go to SUCHE in the top left corner and type in fafi to find the bag you want. (It looks like they are on sale!)
* Find the bag and click IN DER WARENKORB.
* In the top right hand corner click ZU KASSE (checkout).
* Fill in your name and address:
Anrede (Mr. (herr), Mrs. (frau), Business (firma)
Vorname: First name
Nachname: Last name
Strasse/Nr. : Street (and number)
PLZ/Ort : Zip code and State
Land : Country lol
Geburtstag : Birthday
* Click WEITER
* Sofortüberweisung is in English as well, its a way to pay without paypal or a credit card.
* Versandart is shipping
* Ich zahle mit: "I'm paying with". They want you to pay with paypal.
* Click WEITER
* Ist alles richtig?: Is everything right? You can check what you put in to see if it's right.
* On the next page there is a spot to pay with paypal.

Good Luck!