Fafi & MAC Collaboration Discussion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by darkh3av3n
I dont know if anyone got one of these, but I got a direct mailer from Mac that allows to me shop the Fafi collection early in advance (as in like right now). When I get a chance I'll take a picture of the mailer and anything I buy this Saturday

M·A·C Cosmetics | Fafi ---> if you havent checked it out online, then hurry up!

A MAC makeup artist at the freestanding store told me that there's a coupon on the MAC website that allows you to print the coupon and bring it in the store so that you are able to purchase the items from the Fafi collection. I was unable to find it on the website though. Has anyone else heard about this?


Well-known member
Oh I'm so excited!!! As soon as this comes out online I'm buying a shirt, two lipsticks and MAYBE a fafinette!!! YAY!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ExquisiteImages
A MAC makeup artist at the freestanding store told me that there's a coupon on the MAC website that allows you to print the coupon and bring it in the store so that you are able to purchase the items from the Fafi collection. I was unable to find it on the website though. Has anyone else heard about this?

I havent heard anything about the coupon onlne, the only thing I know is that only a select number of people got the direct mailer (its the sticky one!). The direct mailer allows you to shop almost a whole week in advance of the collection being released. There was another poster who got the sticky mailer, but mine had an extra paragraph that told me to shop the collection early.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by darkh3av3n
I havent heard anything about the coupon onlne, the only thing I know is that only a select number of people got the direct mailer (its the sticky one!). The direct mailer allows you to shop almost a whole week in advance of the collection being released. There was another poster who got the sticky mailer, but mine had an extra paragraph that told me to shop the collection early.

I'm glad you posted this! I got the sticky mailer and I just quickly read over it, but I just re-read it and realized I can shop early so I'm going tomorrow!


Well-known member
i went yesterday to the mac store in soho nyc.. i got 10 fafi items. and they have a scarf for sale.. they do give out cute fafi bags with ur purchase. i'll take pics for the hauls section. this stuff is tooo cute and the whole collection is great. they didnt have belightful pressed powder,but thats ok, i'll get it on the 13th.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SuSana
I'm glad you posted this! I got the sticky mailer and I just quickly read over it, but I just re-read it and realized I can shop early so I'm going tomorrow!

I hope you get the cute little bags too! I got the CUTEST bag with the fafinettes on them! Its a must-have, and I believe they give it to everyone who shops early with the mailer. I posted pics of it in the product swatch thread.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by fabulousmexo
Sooo this is a stupid question im sure to most but...i want a direct mailer! how do you get them?

not a stupid question, i dont know too


Well-known member
Originally Posted by darkh3av3n
I dont know if anyone got one of these, but I got a direct mailer from Mac that allows to me shop the Fafi collection early in advance (as in like right now). When I get a chance I'll take a picture of the mailer and anything I buy this Saturday

M·A·C Cosmetics | Fafi ---> if you havent checked it out online, then hurry up!

Thanks so much for this link!!


Well-known member
Uh-uh, that's NYC!

Trust, Dubai is the capital of the world..NYC pales in comparison.

Anyways, I got that mailer in the mail to shop early..but since im not buying anything anymore..if any of you live in Northern CA..let me know and we can arrange for a meetup or something and you can have my invite


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BlueRose
not a stupid question, i dont know too

Are you girls registered in their system? I know they track your purchase history, they must---they ask for your name when your buying things from the free standing MAC stores. I registered at a mac store a few years ago and always get calls about special events and they even invite me to makeup classes they hold on and off site. Ive only been to one in the past. I also buy regularly from MAC stores and not macys,nordstroms etc so maybe its a combo of things or maybe its random?

I used the heart stickers from the mailer and put them on my new gaming XPS laptop hahaha....


Active member
Originally Posted by BadBadGirl
Uh-uh, that's NYC!

Trust, Dubai is the capital of the world..NYC pales in comparison.

Anyways, I got that mailer in the mail to shop early..but since im not buying anything anymore..if any of you live in Northern CA..let me know and we can arrange for a meetup or something and you can have my invite

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, it's importance as a business center pales in comparison to many other cities (such as NYC), even though it's a very important trade and business outlet from the viewpoint of the west. Having some of the most fabulous buildings in the world does not a capital make.

But I'm not buying any Fafi either... I've just become overwhelmed with blahhhh by it after seeing pictures - and slightly annoyed that such a plain collection is being marketed as "graffiti girl."


Well-known member
If you shop at counters, MAC doesn't know who you are. If you buy online or at a MAC store, they will send mailers... odds are how many mailers they bother sending depends on how much you buy. I believe it's just like getting the Coach 25% off private sale cards... if you buy Coach at Macy's, etc... you never get them. If you buy at their stores, bingo. =)


Well-known member
Okay, so I got one of the mailers with the little stickers...but no where does it say anything about "shopping early".

Where does it say that? Or I suppose I got the "regular" mailer?



Well-known member
Originally Posted by damsel
i agree.

for instance the swatches that they used for cult fave, sugar trance & squeeze it l/g look like exact replicas of a few of the swatches they use for perm. l/g. which is not true to life, as the fafi l/g appear fairly different from any perm. l/g i have seen.

You shouldn't really rely on the swatches that MAC puts on their site. My husband and I found out that they use the same two or three pics in black and white for the swatches (of ALL of their products) and then place a color mask over the picture that they think is "similar" to the actual color of the product, which really typically isn't always true to form or texture of the product.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by iheartcolor
Okay, so I got one of the mailers with the little stickers...but no where does it say anything about "shopping early".

Where does it say that? Or I suppose I got the "regular" mailer?


is the mailer you got a 3 page fold out? if so, it should say on the inside left side bottom about shopping early before collection becomes available to the public. says free standing mac stores only from what I can remember (dont have mailer in front of me this second)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by exoticarbcqen
Are you girls registered in their system? I know they track your purchase history, they must---they ask for your name when your buying things from the free standing MAC stores. I registered at a mac store a few years ago and always get calls about special events and they even invite me to makeup classes they hold on and off site. Ive only been to one in the past. I also buy regularly from MAC stores and not macys,nordstroms etc so maybe its a combo of things or maybe its random?

I used the heart stickers from the mailer and put them on my new gaming XPS laptop hahaha....

If you shop at counters, MAC doesn't know who you are. If you buy online or at a MAC store, they will send mailers... odds are how many mailers they bother sending depends on how much you buy. I believe it's just like getting the Coach 25% off private sale cards... if you buy Coach at Macy's, etc... you never get them. If you buy at their stores, bingo. =)

Always buying from MAC stores never been asked about any info :S just get what you want and pay and bye bye thats it :/


Well-known member
^ Funny. ive always been asked. And I only go to 2 free standing mac stores.[both are 75miles from each other] Well, I also use my visa so maybe my purchase history is in there that way? I vividly remember them asking on numerous occasions "are you in our system?"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by exoticarbcqen
is the mailer you got a 3 page fold out? if so, it should say on the inside left side bottom about shopping early before collection becomes available to the public. says free standing mac stores only from what I can remember (dont have mailer in front of me this second)

Oh, no mine has only 2 pages. Thanks for clarifying, though! I am not too worried, as I am attending the "party" for it tonight! *squeal*


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