Fafi Question


Well-known member
Alright, I'm heading over to MAC tomorrow, and I've figured out what I want from Fafi. I know I want an Iridescent Pressed Powder (the packaging is too adorable), but I have no idea which one to buy. So for all you ladies who have already purchased Fafi, what do you suggest, Sassed Up, Belightful or Verve-acious. I'm NC15, with red hair, no freckles and blue eyes for reference.


Well-known member
*~*I liked Sassed Up the most out of the 3, but for you, I would probably go with either Belightful or Sassed Up (if you want something that is a hint corally)...HTH!!!


Well-known member
I think u should go for Sassed Up since Belightful is in the perm. line so you could get it anytime really and Sassed Up is really really pretty


Well-known member
I'm a NW15 and I can't wait to try Sassed Up! Glad you like it. I agree with the person who said get one of the other ones since Belightful is perm. When in doubt, get the LE product!
But that said, Belightful is probably the best iridescent powder in the world.