Well-known member
Sometimes I walk past market stalls and see piles of fake Gucci, Louis Vuitton and Burberry goods. I see girls everywhere carrying bags which bear the logos but not the telltale quality of the originals.
My own view is that fake goods are naff and they devalue the original brand. I wouldn't dare to have a Louis Vuitton bag now because most people will just assume it's a cheap fake. I was pleased to see the report of a man jailed for fake Rolex watch
Designs are intellectual property and copying them is illegal under national and international law. It seems a bit hypocritical to complain that someone is using our photographs and posing as us on another forum if we are happy to buy fake goods. It's just another form of impersonation.
People tend to assume that the sale of counterfeit goods is a victimless crime but there's a much more serious aspect to it. Counterfeiting is big money and that big money ends up in the hands of criminal gangs or possibly even terrorists according to this report.
When you buy counterfeit goods you are ALWAYS giving money to criminals but do you know what they then do with it?
What do other folks think?