fake mac brush? some advice please ladies


heya i am katie, i am a member of mua katie2009 same user name as here

i recently done a swap on mua wont give you the whole long story just the main bits, basically swapper told me brush was hers sh got my end then finally sent me the brush
its a 266se brush, i am a novice when it comes to mac se brushes { only just got the hanf of the standard brushes lol}
But even to me this doesnt look or feel right, its a short black handle but looks very plasticy, and when you tap it it also feels bvery plasticy, the writing on it is in red and doesnt rub off, it is indented into the brush not sat on the brush like normal, the bristles on the brush are a bit splayed aswll, so it is either fake or used, i have told the swapper about this and asked what year or se collection it was from, but she said she didnt no as she got it in a swap aswell {told me originally it was hers}

So can anyone give me any advice on this please, the fab ladies from mua and swaptawk directed me to here and said the ladies on specktra are really great at helping with this sort of thing!

i have taken some pics of the brush so if you can help then please do let me no, also where can i post the pics?

thanks girls


Well-known member
erm, my se brushes have indented writing which does not rub off, so i wouldn't worry about that. its really in my experience only the full size ones which do that. also they are mass produced, as opposed to the full size ones which are hand made, so the quality is a lot less. hope that helps.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by katie2009

i have taken some pics of the brush so if you can help then please do let me no, also where can i post the pics?

thanks girls

Hello katie and welcome! You can post the pics here.


how do i attached them?

i am new here so havent figured it out yet, i think i have an idea so will try that a post again thanks


hopefully this will work






one of them is a close up of the britsle from the side, now obviously being a 266 its supposed to be line for eyeliner fliud line, but as you can see the brushes are a bit splayed

the pics are not that great but hopefully you can see, also if you need to see any others in differant way let me no and i will take some more thanks


Well-known member
They're unclickable links, katie. Do you have a photobucket or something where you can store pictures online and also post them in forums and stuff? You can also attach pictures here using the icon that looks like 2 little mountains just above the message box.


ah i found the mountins lol

sorry about the links, i am not very ogod at doing them as you can probably tell, i will attach them now!


them, i have them on my mua profile, i just uploaded them, so if you are on mua look at my profile katie2009 sorry this is soo much hassle for you kind ladies offering me help!

any ideas of how to find my url or what ever it is? thanks


Well-known member
I'm unfortunately not a member there so I can't search for members. The girls here with MUA accounts would be able to help you out though. Good luck!


Well-known member
Found them. Hope this one will show up here. - http://img.makeupalley.com/4/2/6/0/1238973.JPG. I'm not attaching the photos here because they're big.

All you need to do is to click on the 'View Full Size Image' on your MUA member pictures page. You'll be able to see the full size image. Just cut and paste the URL here. It should work. HTH!


just to say, i just spoke to mac, they say the only 266se has been from this christmas which was red hadnle, and the last one they did was a gold handle {carmine collection or something} they havent issued a black hadnle with the red writing

So that is mac in uk, obviously i would think that mac all over the world would do the same collections, tes at differant times but eventually the same

So has anyone had one of the black 266se short handle with red writing before? thanks

http://img.makeupalley.com/thumb.asp...PG&maxSize=140Full picture of the whole brush

aha i worked out a way, copy and paste lol

http://img.makeupalley.com/thumb.asp...PG&maxSize=140close up of logo and numbers

http://img.makeupalley.com/thumb.asp...PG&maxSize=140the brisle and the plastic looking head bit
http://img.makeupalley.com/thumb.asp...PG&maxSize=140more close of bristle and head

can any give any advice? i can do more pics now i no how to do it lol


Well-known member
what the above poster said. it was part of the nordies collection. its real. just as lame as the other SE brushes usually are unfortunately!


Well-known member
Yup mac had their exclusive nordstrom collection sometime in july last year they came out with 3 sets of 5 brushes. The handles were completely black with red, blue, and green writing. If you type in nordstrom color forums collection in the specktra search thing you will find pictures of them in the color collection/product photo thread.