Fake MAC?


Well-known member
Okay, I bought an eye shadow from Ebay. The color was Melton Mauve. I'm pretty sure its fake. The shadow has a heavy perfume smell to it and the color barely shows up. Also the top of the shadow is shiny and hard. I looked on the bottom of the pot and its the only one made in the USA. All my others are made in Canada. hmmm. Has this happened to anyone else?


Well-known member
Melton Mauve is odd. It always looks odd when I see it at my MAC counter, just like you described it. It's shiny and smooth on the surface and barely anything comes off when I swipe it. Try going to a MAC counter and testing both side by side. I've never liked Melton Mauve, and your description of it is exactly how the one at my counter is.


Well-known member
Yeah, thats the one that really got me. It smells HARSH.

Originally Posted by Patricia
mac eyeshadows shouldn't smell


Well-known member
Several of my products say Made in the USA on the bottom. I don't think that is an indicator. Melton Mauve is very much the way you described it, odd and sheer when applied. I have no clue what would cause the smell. If it were stored near other perfumed products it could have absored some odor, or maybe it's old. Some things get stinky when they are past their prime. I would take the color to a counter and swatch them on side by side to compare. I would tend to think this is an old product probably bought at a CCO or discounter. Melton Mauve is still available at MAC, so I can't really see someone making a fake.


Well-known member
some girl brought in a fake mac lipglass. It read MAX - in the same writing, same tube everything. But it was nothing like ours.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pinkrevolver
Melton Mauve can look a little shiny.take a picture of this and post here!

It shouldn't look shiney! It's a veluxe. One of my favorites


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SonRisa
It shouldn't look shiney! It's a veluxe. One of my favorites

That's what I thought too. I have it and it's veluxe and there is no hint of shine whatsoever. It can be difficult to get it to show (I only wear it on top of Mink Pink), but I like it.


Well-known member
Hmm. Melton Mauve is one of the first shadows I bought... I can't do anything with it. Mine doesn't look shiny, though... It's matte. Weird. Hm. I'm gonna go play with it then. I've used it twice. *sigh*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SonRisa
It shouldn't look shiney! It's a veluxe. One of my favorites

glad i am not the only one who enjoys the veluxes!!!


Well-known member
Its possible, i found a fake MAC blush in Japan. Of course i bought it, it was $2, a definite must-have for the makeup oddity collection! It is pretty though, a coral color and looks exzactly like the real thing.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by KMEFH
Its possible, i found a fake MAC blush in Japan. Of course i bought it, it was $2, a definite must-have for the makeup oddity collection! It is pretty though, a coral color and looks exzactly like the real thing.

do you have a pic?

there was a studio fix fake on ebay, didn't look like the real thing but it said MAC... I'm wondering where those cosmetics fakes come frome and which brands are faked now. I'd be curious to see more of them (I like comparing original and fake), I don't appreciate fakes however...

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