Fake pigments? Please help!

Hi there,
I have purchased some pigments from one of my mac suppliers and have had a customer mention to me that theyre fake, If you could please look over my pics (will upload in a sec) your help will be much appreciated
They have all the right things that Ive read about on the internet which says theyre genuine but Im just not 100%


Did you buy these in one of those "choose ten fullsize pigments" auctions on sites such as ebay?
Dark soul is showing up a little grey in youre photos is it black or grey when you look at it?
No I didnt get it from ebay. The dark soul is actually alot blacker than pic shows, more black than grey actually. Ill try and get better pics tonight with a better camera.


Well-known member
Not all the pictures are clear enough for me to see, or are at slightly the wrong angle for me to be able to tell, but on some of them I can clearly see they are fake. On the back of the jars, do they all have a comma instead of a decimal point in the weight (,26 US OZ)? I can see that on some of them, and that is a definite sign of a fake, I'm afraid, plus the lack of a gap after the "DIST BY/PAR:" and on some the base of the jar is a giveaway. There are probably other differences too, but these are the ones that stand out to me.
My guess is that theyre fake. The commas, and edges of the lids are a wee bit rough in some places and everything that Ive read on here points to ripoffs, however Im still in denial as these are soooo good, I am absolutely gobsmacked at how good the fakes (if they are) have become, crikey!


Well-known member
i would say they're fake i had dark soul and i jus compared it to yours i think the printing of the M.A.C on the front is a little bit high. Probably about 0.02cm higher. And as mentioned above, on the back of the jars, mine have a decimal point in the weight (.26 US OZ) instead of a comma (,26 US OZ). The font of deepblue green looks suspicious too.

Im really surprised that they are such good fakes.

Rita Baumann

Well-known member
They are like the "good" fakes I had. There are a few things to notice:

  • Where it says 7.5g /.26 on the back of the jar - the fakes will often have a "comma" instead of a point, like "7.5g /,26" - some have this corrected
  • The number 3050 on the bottom of the fakes is tiny and easy to read - on the authentic ones the number is larger - but harder to read
  • The clear plastic inner lid will have the 3251 over the III in the fakes, the authentic ones it's over the beginning of the word "coaltainer"
  • Authentic pigments have a slight banding etched into the side of the jar.
  • Matte pigments should not be 7.5g - mattes weigh less (2.5g)
  • Fake Pigments smell a lot like the coastal scents 88 palette.

I was burned by these as well. Order from a Mac store or a Pro store. Mac from Ebay or Wholesalers are usually fake.

PS. Grape is a Pro Color - it should have a clear sticker not a silver one. Dead Giveaway!


Well-known member
Sorry, but for a lot of reasons, they are all fakes
Make a paypal claim as soon as possible, it's illegal to sell those and you are 100% due a refund, shipping included.