Fake quad???


New member
I bought this TAKE WING EYES QUAD from ebay. Although it looks OK to unexperienced eyes, it fails to be genuine regarding some details.

What do you think of this?






the batch number starting with M is problematic. Also the shape of the shadows are not like the original one I purchased from the mac counter (1st Pic at the right) There are excess shadows on the edges (3rd Pic) WIERD!!

Could you help me pleaase?

BTW at the mac counter they confirmed that it is original


Well-known member
There are definitely fake quads out there. Unfortunately I've just looked at the pictures I was sent of one and they don't show any particular feature clearly enough to judge yours by.

I can however compare the prefilled quad to your genuine one and there is a difference beyond the pan size. Look at the thickness of the border moulding around the catch;


I'd say it's a fake. Three problems; Batch number, pan size and moulding.

For interest here are the pictures of the fakes I have;





You see, it was a good enough fake to fool M·A·C staff.


Well-known member
This quad looks pretty authentic to me, although from the photo the catch does look a bit unusual. How does it compare with your authentic quad?

In terms of the batch number and the shape of the shadows these don't instantly indicate that this is fake. The 'M' on the batch code is quite normal for quads and palettes. I think the M relates to the run number, and I would presume that because the quads are LE and made quite close together they get higher in the letters than normal products do. A lot of my quads and my holiday palettes have M as the start of their production code. Also, it isn't unusual for eyeshadows to come right up to the edges of the pan, it just depends. Sometimes you get no overlap to the metal edges, sometimes it ends up all the way round, but it isn't an indicator of it being fake.

Can anyone with this particular quad confirm the batch number they have?


Well-known member
An M batch designator would indicate it's the thirteenth batch of that particular colour combination. Each LE quad will have its own SKU and will start at a batch designator of A. I think M's a bit unlikely.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
An M batch designator would indicate it's the thirteenth batch of that particular colour combination. Each LE quad will have its own SKU and will start at a batch designator of A. I think M's a bit unlikely.

This is true, but looking at the quads (and palettes) that I own, this doesn't appear to be so unlikely. I'm not sure if the quad/palette batch designator works slightly differently, but every single quad and palette that I own has a batch designator of M (the majority of these were brought direct from the counter), and this is the reason that I would say that you can't use the M batch designator to determine that it is a counterfeit, as the M is a perfectly plausible start to the batch number of a quad.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by angi
This quad looks pretty authentic to me, although from the photo the catch does look a bit unusual. How does it compare with your authentic quad?

In terms of the batch number and the shape of the shadows these don't instantly indicate that this is fake. The 'M' on the batch code is quite normal for quads and palettes. I think the M relates to the run number, and I would presume that because the quads are LE and made quite close together they get higher in the letters than normal products do. A lot of my quads and my holiday palettes have M as the start of their production code. Also, it isn't unusual for eyeshadows to come right up to the edges of the pan, it just depends. Sometimes you get no overlap to the metal edges, sometimes it ends up all the way round, but it isn't an indicator of it being fake.

Can anyone with this particular quad confirm the batch number they have?

I have this quad and its M76. All the quads I have all start with M
Well Plumed - M76
Free to Be Eyes M75
Stowaways M28
Shadowy Lady M68
Spiced Chocolate M78
Pandamonium Eyes M27
Tempting Eye M78
I have paletes as well - Patternmaker, Cyrstal, Authentics, etc all start M.

You can not dismiss this quad as a fake just because of the letter. This coding must be peculiar to quads/palettes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me


The difference in the catch can be explained. The left photo is the catch closed flat - the right shows it open. The moulding is exactly the same - just obsured by the closed catch.

I don't believe this quad fooled the MAC staff as I believe it to be genuine.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by julie150463
The difference in the catch can be explained. The left photo is the catch closed flat - the right shows it open. The moulding is exactly the same - just obsured by the closed catch.

I don't believe this quad fooled the MAC staff as I believe it to be genuine.

You've completely missed what I was trying to show. The difference is nothing to do with the catch being open or closed. Don't even look at the catch as it's a distraction.

It's the thickness of the edge moulding behind (and not obscured by) the catch which I have indicated with the parallel yellow lines at the edge of the picture.

The front mouldings are an identical thickness. Those behind the catch aren't.

The pans are also different sizes.


Well-known member
Oops - now I see what you are saying - apologies for going off on a tangent Sarah.

I've had my quads out - including my Take Wing (which has the same batch code and barcode as the original posters) and had them all lined up touching each other and the cases/mouldings are identical??. Perhaps if the lady who asked the original question could post another (smaller photo) of the 2 quads butted up against each other - it may help with an even more accurate assessment.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by julie150463
Oops - now I see what you are saying - apologies for going off on a tangent Sarah.

That's OK, I guess I should have explained what the yellow lines meant! My fault really.

I am quite concerned at what appear to be smaller diameter pans in the premade quad.

One thought springs to mind. I am not sure whether the fake quad palettes have a metal plate inside for magnets to stick to. I'd be surprised if fakers put one in as it bumps up the cost of production. If they don't then it should be possible to probe the quad with a strong magnet to see if it gets any attraction from the underside. This needs to be done in comparison with an empty genuine quad palette.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
An M batch designator would indicate it's the thirteenth batch of that particular colour combination. Each LE quad will have its own SKU and will start at a batch designator of A. I think M's a bit unlikely.

I was going to say the same thing as the others have already posted - M is a common batch start digit in quads. I have several - smoking eyes and gentle fume were two of them off the top of my head, I have others as well.

This quad is VERY similar to the fake CoC quads that were posted on AU ebay some time ago. I hadnt seen them resurface until now - hope we arent in for an influx of these now too


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
That's OK, I guess I should have explained what the yellow lines meant! My fault really.

I am quite concerned at what appear to be smaller diameter pans in the premade quad.

One thought springs to mind. I am not sure whether the fake quad palettes have a metal plate inside for magnets to stick to. I'd be surprised if fakers put one in as it bumps up the cost of production. If they don't then it should be possible to probe the quad with a strong magnet to see if it gets any attraction from the underside. This needs to be done in comparison with an empty genuine quad palette.

I'm pretty sure in the pre-made quads the pans are glued and not magnetised. The palettes are reusable but the pans have to be depotted before you can reuse them - unless anyone else knows to the contrary.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by julie150463
I'm pretty sure in the pre-made quads the pans are glued and not magnetised. The palettes are reusable but the pans have to be depotted before you can reuse them - unless anyone else knows to the contrary.

Genuine premade quads have glued pans but there is still a metal sheet as per normal quads. When you run out of a shade in a premade quad, you prise the empty pan out and stick a regular magnetic base shadow pan in.

I am curious to know whether fake quads also have the metal sheet as it will increase production costs for the fakers who are after as much profit as they can get.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by panda0410
This quad is VERY similar to the fake CoC quads that were posted on AU ebay some time ago. I hadnt seen them resurface until now - hope we arent in for an influx of these now too

Is that the quad that caffn8me posted? It was my understanding that the fake CoC quads were missing a lot of information, such as the information sticker/ colour names on the back of the quad?

Originally Posted by caffn8me
It's the thickness of the edge moulding behind (and not obscured by) the catch which I have indicated with the parallel yellow lines at the edge of the picture.

The front mouldings are an identical thickness. Those behind the catch aren't.

Looking at the mouldings, I wonder if this could be clarified by better pictures from the OP. I've looked at all the quads I have and they are all pretty much identical, but with the crisp moulding of the proposed fake, rather than the thicker moulding.

Originally Posted by caffn8me
I am not sure whether the fake quad palettes have a metal plate inside for magnets to stick to. I'd be surprised if fakers put one in as it bumps up the cost of production.

That's true, and it would be interesting to find out. However, I wouldn't be surprised, given the price that quads can go for on ebay, to see counterfeiters purchasing genuine empty quads and then gluing the fake pans in.

Maybe once again we come down to the need to depot?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by angi
Maybe once again we come down to the need to depot?

I think that's exactly what we need to see done although the strong magnet test may be enough to give us a hint. I'll try it with a genuine empty palette later tonight when I'm home again.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by angi

Maybe once again we come down to the need to depot?

Nope... I have posted this before and dont want to post much more - but depotting is NO LONGER the answer, sorry.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
Genuine premade quads have glued pans but there is still a metal sheet as per normal quads. When you run out of a shade in a premade quad, you prise the empty pan out and stick a regular magnetic base shadow pan in.

I am curious to know whether fake quads also have the metal sheet as it will increase production costs for the fakers who are after as much profit as they can get.

Me too! I never got the opportunity to have a look at that since that meant dismantling the piece. What I can say is that te CoC quads I looked at had the actual quad compact right on. The packaging was right on as well. In fact if you didnt know that blue and pink didnt come with that quad you would neve rhave known it was a fake


Well-known member
Originally Posted by panda0410
Nope... I have posted this before and dont want to post much more - but depotting is NO LONGER the answer, sorry.

Ouch... didn't knew but it's a good idea to not throw the answers around.. some people ask suspicious questions.. with really.. unused accounts. But I'm paranoid so..


Well-known member
The magnet test

I can confirm that a genuine empty 15 pan palette will actually stick to a powerful magnet (from the underside of the case) so firnly that it can be held upside down and not fall off. All I need to do now is to get hold of a fake quad and try this.


Well-known member
I have now got my sticky paws on the fake quad I pictured. The pans have been removed and I can confirm visually that there seems to be no metal sheet in the base for magnets to stick to.

I am not going to be home until Sunday but will try to post some pictures then and also give details of whether any magnetic material can be detected within the fake quad. I rather doubt it.