Fake Strobe Cream


Well-known member
I have not ...But I don't buy these type items off ebay....However I know from working in the business that these type containers are often refilled with other products...we would get a lot of returns..and after they evaluated them in the lab the product that was in the tube was not the actual product we produced and filled the tubes with initially...Not this product but similiar products in the same type tubes with flip top caps.

But on another note because my skin is so dry once I put the strobe cream on it is gone..I feel no moisture what so ever either...I use a moisturizer on my skin and mix the strobe cream with my Studio Sculpt


Well-known member
Hi Tish1127:

It never occurred to me that people could be so slezy, live and learn. I'm not comfortable putting this on my face. I'm going to drive to MAC and buy a strobe cream and compare them.

Thanks for responding.


Well-known member
Yes I would go and compare...it may be authentic...because again...The strobe creme offers me no moisturizing effects


Well-known member
The packaging is authentic by the way.

Its a super thick cream but it may get absorbed more quickly if your skin is dry. Does it give a red/pink/gold toned pearlescent shimmer to the skin?


Well-known member

I'm not getting a red glow from this one.

I just got back from the MAC store and the product is real. The lady at the MAC store said that this product is at least 3 years old but it's the real thing.

Thanks everyone!!!


Well-known member
This Strobe Cream and it comes in a Trial pack with demi wipes, micro refinisher and fast response eye cream.
Still haven't used them though.

