Fake tendertone?


Well-known member
I just received a tendertone I bought from ebay but I'm worried it might be fake...

Tendertone from ebay...

I noticed it doesn't look the same as this picture I found online...



Well-known member
I just looked at my Tendertones (from CCO so its gotta be real) and it looks just the same. I have no idea what that DIN #### thing is all the way at the bottom of the second picture is. Would be funny if you were comparing your real one to a fake one :p


New member
Hey hon,

Mine's real, and it has the DIN #. Softnote was from the first round of Tendertones, though, if I'm not mistaken? Maybe the DIN is only on the more recent collection?


I have two tendertones "Shush!" and "Sweet and Nice" purchased from a Belks MAC counter and neither of them have the DIN number. "Shush!" was from the older collection 2007 and "Sweet and Nice" was from the most recent collection (Purchased a little over a month ago). I don't think your tendertone is a fake.


Well-known member
I have
E-Z Baby, Pucker, Tender Baby, Hush, Tread Gently and none of then Have DIN on them...Ask MAC if any of their Tendertones had that particular label ...It looks authentic to me...But I have been fooled several times before