feels like I did, but I didn't?


Active member
I just recently started to feel a watery sac feeling in my uterus.. sometimes it feels like I am deffy about to pee myself but then it stops and I don't pee on my myself at all.. is that normal for pregnancy? I am about 20 weeks prego..


I think I am suffering from PPD.. (p.p. depression)

nothing makes me happy anymore.. not even my hubby.. i cry all of the time.. the only thing that makes me happy is putting my hands on my tummy and remembering that I have a precious baby inside of me..

anyone ever experiance what i feel?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MahalMac
I just recently started to feel a watery sac feeling in my uterus.. sometimes it feels like I am deffy about to pee myself but then it stops and I don't pee on my myself at all.. is that normal for pregnancy? I am about 20 weeks prego..


I think I am suffering from PPD.. (p.p. depression)

nothing makes me happy anymore.. not even my hubby.. i cry all of the time.. the only thing that makes me happy is putting my hands on my tummy and remembering that I have a precious baby inside of me..

anyone ever experiance what i feel?

I don't know about the 'watery sac' feeling and I'm 22 weeks + 4 days. Are you bleeding at all? Any other types of discharge? Some discharge is normal.

Have you spoken with your doctor or obstetrician about the depression?

PPD is short for post-partum depression. Have you given birth recently and then become pregnant quite soon after? If so, you should speak with your doctor about alleviating the symptoms. PPD is nothing to mess around with - go get some help!

If you haven't given birth recently but are feeling depressed, this could simply be the hormones in your body. You should still see a doctor if you're crying non-stop and feeling wretched.
hunny I'm sure you dont have post partum, its just your hormones. Try taking a nice warm bubble bath and play with your makeup, suggest to your hubby a foot rub and a movie, maybe go and get your nails done... maybe go out with some friends for a walk and maybe talk about your feels. It is all completely normal, I had a hard time to when I was pregnant but some of those things helped, even going out buying stuff for the baby.


Well-known member
Sweetie it's the hormones! It'll get better as you further along and you'll be fine. If it gets too much speak to someone, you'll be amazed at how nice people are to pregnant women.

I'd have people say to me "dont be sad when you're pregnant or else you'll give birth to a baby that cries all the time" so you can imagine that made me even more crazy!

You know what I did when I was sad/crying/depressed?


How awesome is it to eat and not feel guilty!?
(I just hope you're not feeling sick at this point lol)

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