Fergie New Solo Album


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I haven't heard her new album and I'm not really planning on it either. That London Bridge song is terrible, I guess I'm not impressed with her style. She is better with the Black Eyed Peas but honestly, they were even better without her back in the days. I mean it was a good move on their part cause their blown up now but I wished they would of stayed the old Black Eyed Peas IMO!


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The London Bridge song used to be very annoying,every where I went they played it over and over again. I did'nt like it the first time I heard it! It's so stupid!
The Delicious song is ok kinda catchy "up in the gym working on my fitness"....haha. I like that one better.
Those are the only two I have heard. I am not into that kind of music,
or the Black Eyed Peas.

little teaser

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i think she is stuck on herself and the thing is she's not all that so i dont really get into her worshiping herself in her music


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if you listen to "London Bridges"...it's chorus is remarkably similar to Gwen Stefani's "Hollaback Girl" and the verses sound like a clear ripoff of old Missy Elliott stuff...doesn't really showcase Fergie's talent, IMO. Fergie is a good singer, but she'd sound alot better if she wasn't just ripping off other people's stuff.


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I really like the song "Finally". It's very Broadway-ish and I can picture it easily fitting in a musical.


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Originally Posted by THE ANTHEM
if you listen to "London Bridges"...it's chorus is remarkably similar to Gwen Stefani's "Hollaback Girl" and the verses sound like a clear ripoff of old Missy Elliott stuff...doesn't really showcase Fergie's talent, IMO. Fergie is a good singer, but she'd sound alot better if she wasn't just ripping off other people's stuff.

I know! I mentioned that in another post, It definitely sounds like a rip off of "Hollaback Girl" thats what I thought the first time I heard it.

I wont be purchasing the album. Shes better off sticking with the B.E.P


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ~LadyLocks~
but honestly, they were even better without her back in the days. I mean it was a good move on their part cause their blown up now but I wished they would of stayed the old Black Eyed Peas IMO!


BEP was WAY better pre-Fergie. Better lyrical content, more hip-hop, less pop. It's too bubblegum now IMO. I'm also bitter that since Fergie's in the picture there will be no more collabo's with Esthero anymore LOL.

Fergie's better off with Wild Orchid


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mzcelaneous

BEP was WAY better pre-Fergie. Better lyrical content, more hip-hop, less pop. It's too bubblegum now IMO. I'm also bitter that since Fergie's in the picture there will be no more collabo's with Esthero anymore LOL.

YESSS!! I love love love Esthero. She is and will always be wayyy better then Fergie IMO. There's jsut no comparison!! :shrug: They should of given her the part instead!


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Fergie is better on Kids Incorperated! LOL I dont' like any of her songs. Why is she rapping? She can sing better than rap. And I totally have to agree that BEP was better when they were underground.



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I'm not hating on Fergie. She's pretty and she's got a great voice, I just think she should've taken a different direction. For instance, Finally IS a good song and I think she'd do great singing songs with the same tone.

Not with BEP and definitely not "rapping" (if that's what you want to call it. To me she's just talking in London Bridges & Fergalicious) :shrug:


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She definitley can sing, I think that's the direction she should of gone in. I don't know what's with all this talk/rap thing some of these artists are doing.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mzcelaneous
I'm not hating on Fergie. She's pretty and she's got a great voice, I just think she should've taken a different direction. For instance, Finally IS a good song and I think she'd do great singing songs with the same tone.

I totally agree again! Fergie is gorgeous but it makes me wonder why. Once while I was waiting in line at the store I seen one of thoes magazines, I think it was life or something but they showed how Fergie really looked before she had surgey. Now as far as it being true, who knows but compared to how she looked then and how she looked now...let's just say it wasn't a pretty site.

Don't get me wrong though, I LOVE how she dresses, she has so much style but I also wonder if she dresses herself cause not to many people do these days. And she knows how to fricken sing! I'm not hatein on her either, I just don't see where she's going with this new album of hers. She should stick to singing and do what she does best

Black Eyed Peas sure have come a long ways, a very long ways. I totally forgot to tell you guys that back in the days, when they first came out, my man used to dance for them. He showed me this video he had with them after this one show in SF, there were backstage smoking a bleezy...lol. Crazy huh? Who would of know, look at em now...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ~LadyLocks~
there were backstage smoking a bleezy...lol. Crazy huh?

LOL, how cool is that...to be chillin' with the BEP like homies heh.

That would be an interesting story to tell the children..."You know you Daddy used to work with BEP. Yea, the even shared a bleezy!" LOL.

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