Finish My Story..........


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i realized i could make more money working at the flea market... i was making so much money that i had enough too...


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while reading dante's i looked up to realize that i couldnt get a pedi b/c i didnt have feet but flippers... i was hoping that this was all a bad dream but........


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I realized that someone had drugged me and in my altered state I had confused the ocean with a pile of garbage. So as I picked garbage from my hair and teeth, I realized that....


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The water bottle I had found in the pile of garbage and drank was actually liquid LSD. I don't remember much but the next thing I knew was....


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there were giants doing cartwheels, statues wearing high heels...lookit all the happy creatures dancing on the I


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decided to join them, tore off my clothes, grabbed my bongos and ran into the foray where I was confronted by


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to go to the house four blocks down and two around the corner and get a Doors album so he could


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chill out, I handed him the LSD water water bottle to help the trip along. As soon as he left I started pinching myself because it had been an unusual day and once again I was hoping it all had been a dream. The only thing I wanted to do was

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