First Fotd :p


Well-known member
My First fotd guys! oK, im scared, lol.
The reason for a fotd is because i just got some MAC stuff, my friend went to KL, and i asked her to get me some eyeshadows. My first MAC eyeshadows! Hehe..

I used:


Untitled paint
Blue peep fluidline
Shade fluidline
YSL Faux cils mascara


Tinted Lip conditioner in Aquamelon

I still have no clue how to attach pics, i hope its alright to do the link like that.
edit: fixed it for ya! -- mod

I dont have close-up pics to show, my camera sucks in doing that.
But i hope this is alright.

Let me know what you guys think, good/bad comments, hehe.


Well-known member
Looks great on you!

Oh, by the way... to link to an image, just insert the URL/adress between an [ img]...[/ img] code. The code you should have inside is the exact address for the pic, which you can get by right-clicking on your image on the album page and viewing properties (I'm on a Mac, and I haven't used that action in a Windows-based computer for a long time, so I hope that's correct) and then copying the URL you find in there. In this case, your URL was:

make sure the URL says album_pic and not album_page in order for it to work. HTH!