First impressions lasting a lifetime?

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
So I met a friend of a friend a while ago. The first thing out of the FoaF (let's call her Grace) is that she got her clothes from a package that was accidentally delivered to her. She was very proud of these clothes (going out clothes that were from Victoria's Secret) and practically bragging about it.

Every time I run into her, I can't help thinking of that and it's clouded me being able to want to be around her, because that was really, really unnecessarily theft and the fact she was proud of it blows my mind.

How much do you let first impressions like that bother you?


Well-known member
i kinda know somebody with similar characteristics, although i've known her for so long and i know already how big of a liar she is. actually, when she says things like that, i don't believe anything she says. she'll say things like, 'oh i am so lucky this happened to me...blah blah', i dunno, sounds too good to be true. but if it is really true, it will bother me, and i try not to associate with her.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
In this situation, I think it's plausible, since I could conceivably do that (live in an apartment building with tiny mail boxes, so packages get sat inside) or have that done to me.

Then again, I guess it also says something about my friend, since she thought it was so cool that this girl did that.

Mail theft makes me uneasy.


Well-known member
Yup, if it doesn't say her name on the box, she should've returned it. That is stealing period. As for your friend, if she thinks what the other girl did is cool, I won't understand her. As far as having this first impression with this other girl, yeah, that will stick to my mind as well, and I'll always think that she does that all the time.


Well-known member
Well, I think it shows a serious character trait in her - dishonesty. If I had ordered something online and one of my neighbours had received the package and kept it, I'D BE PISSED. I would never do that to someone, so yeah, I think you have a right not to want to be around her.