first interview :)


Well-known member
hello i have my first ever job interview *shock* lol at a shoe shop
(thats dune in the uk) and i have no idea what sort of questions they will ask and what answers i should give, so basically i need help


Well-known member
usually retail stores will ask about how well you work in a team, how you work under stress, etc. Make a list of your strengths and weaknesses.

also, relax and smile
Good luck!


Well-known member
just stuff to do with what do u think is good customer services, and they'll prolly ask a few view points on shoes:p just be calm and dont panic,


Well-known member
ok so i went and it was FAB she was super nice and didnt ask me any interview questions like i was expecting we just sat nd tlked like we were friends it was great except she never called me bk :confused: im actually really gutted as i realllllllly needed this job so i could go on holiday and now i cant


Well-known member
Sometimes you have to be assertive. At the end of the next interview, ask when you should expect to hear from them. If they haven't called (or emailed in some cases) by then, call them and ask about the position.

Sorry it didn't work out

I have 2 interviews today, so I'm pretty nervous.


Well-known member
well thats why im confused as before i even had a chance to sit down she was asking if my mobile number was correct and then at the end of the 'interview' she asked again and asked if my home number was correct and wrote info on my letter about it sayin the times she cud call/voicemail etc
she said twice that on tuesday she was ringing everyone to let them know cos she thinks she wanted everyone to start by next week and she would let me know by 4 today and now its 5:15 sooo
i think i might ring back but i have no idea what to say
its also annoyin me because my interview was supposed to be at 5 meaning id have to leave the house at 3 and she rang at 12 sayin can she change it to saturday at 10.30, and this was on monday and id took the day of school also
oh and i was also waitin 15 minutes before she actually got to see me
i just think its ever so rude to not ring back when they said they would and it seemed to go great and i was ever so happy nd smiley nd polite grrr

sorry for the rant hah

and well gd luck !


Well-known member
Just call her back tommorow AM and let her know what a great time you had speaking with her (or some similar pleasentry), after she replies be assertive and direct the conversation to this position and whether she's made a final decision on the candidates. HTHS!


Well-known member
I was going to say the same thing as Janice
Depending on the employer, I'll keep in touch with them somehow. For example, if I think of a question after the interview, I'll call or email to ask instead of just waiting until I get the job. Someone suggested to me sending a thank you note a few days after the interview. Just something that says to them "Hey, remember me?"

Some employers are really rude, that's just the way it is. I was in the process of setting up an interview at one company when the woman stopped responding to my emails. I asked her if she had gotten my last email, and she said no. Funny how she got that one. BITCH.


Well-known member
ok so i just rang and the girl that answered said yeh hold on two ticks, she came back to the phone 5 mins later and said 'shes in the process of sorting everything out and should get back to you in the next couple of days'
im like :confused: why cant she come to the phone and tell me that herself
grr its really annoying me just waiting and not actually knowing cos i dont wanna seem to pushy in a like 'why havnt u rang me give me the job' kinda way hah
also annoying as she said in the interview she was ringing everyone on tuesday sooo
sorry to go on a bit but i really desperatley need this like unbelieveably


Well-known member
No worries
I'm in the same boat. On top of being broke, I'm so incredibly bored. I NEED to work.

I'm just worried that they already decided against me. They said they'd have an answer about the same time next week, but I emailed a question early this morning and haven't gotten a response yet (it's 5:23 pm here). I suppose maybe they haven't gotten around to it yet, but I'm worried they're ignoring me instead of telling me I didn't get the job. I hope I'm just being paranoid...


Well-known member
Yeah they say they will call you in a couple days and that could turn into a week. After my interview my manager told me that she would call me after labor day weekend which was 6 days after she interviewed me and she didnt. So I waited a little over a week and she finally called! I know it can be irritating because you just want to know if you got the job or not, but just wait and see while your waiting look around for other jobs just in case she doesnt give you a call back. Thats what I did because I didnt want to waist anytime. good luck though!


Well-known member
hey thanks!

argh i told my cousin the story and she told me that i should stop harrassing them unless they wont give the job im like er wtf i rang them ONCE cos they never rang me back and im super impatient and just want to know cos i hate waiting esp if its for nothing in the end, total waste of time
oh and about being ignored thats exactly what i think to, ok so she told me that she was ringing everyone back to say yes or no, i just think she'll only ring the people she wants sounds like a typical boss althought i still think they should ring everyone who went for a interview as thats only fair


Well-known member
It would be nice if they would do that, but it's standard practice here to only call applicants they're hiring.

I actually got an email from the company letting me know they chose someone else. Depressing, but at least I know.