I scratched my forehead because I'm clumsy. Please excuse that 
Step 1: Prime eye, place tape on your desired angle. Put gold in inner tear duct and inner third (I used UD half baked)
Step 1: Prime eye, place tape on your desired angle. Put gold in inner tear duct and inner third (I used UD half baked)

Step 3: Put a dark purple or black in the outer V and blend into the crease and push into the tape. I used UD Rockstar.

Step 4: Apply your winged liner (I used Geisha Ink liquid liner), line your upper waterline and then peel off the tape. I also highlighted my brow here using MAC Vanilla.

Step 5: Apply eyeshadow to your lower lashline in the same order as the top (gold in inner, purple in middle, black on outer), apply mascara and falsies (if you are so inclined) and DONE

And full face picture, behold my lovely scratch that I'm praying will not scar. Lash Glue had not quite dried yet.
