Flammable/Carbon FOTD and an FOTD from exactly a year ago, just for fun.


Well-known member
I was bored last night, so I did my makeup, took pictures, and took it all off. Haha. So yeah. Like five minutes after I took these pictures, my makeup was off.








Naturally, since I just did my makeup out of sheer boredom and took it right off, I didn't get fully ready. So my bangs are a bit off...and I'm wearing an old baggy *NSYNC T-Shirt haha. I still have all of those from like 8th grade, and I use them as pajama shirts. They make good ones!!!




I actually had an almost entirely front-face one for once, but I guess my red eye thing was off, and I tried to fix it...but it was too bad, haha. It just ruined it. Sooooooo yeah.



Sometimes really "simple" bright eyes (meaning only like three colors total) is kinda fun, since I usually use like 90 million colors, haha. Well, not really. But it seems like it compared to this one and the black and white one that only have three. ANYWAY...here's what I used:

Flammable paint
Passionate e/s
Carbon e/s
Shroom e/s
Stud eyebrow pencil
Brun e/s on brows
Graphblack technakohl
Blacktrack f/l
Maybelline Intense XXL mascara

Studio Fix Fluid in NC15
Studio Fix in NW15
Studio Finish concealer in NW20
Physician's Formula yellow concealer
Strada blush
Plum Foolery blush
Glissade MSF

Spice l/l
Viva Glam VI l/s
Viva Glam VI l/g
A little bit of Lancome Juicy Tubes in Iced Cranberry (my favorite red lipgloss!!! Well, besides Pure Vanity l/g)


Just for fun, here's an FOTD from exactly a year ago, to the date. Well...from yesterday, since I did this makeup yesterday. So the red and black FOTD is from April 5, 2007 and this one is from April 5, 2006:



Ignore the stupid face/pose.....I look way younger, haha. Weird...and it has only been a year!!!



Well-known member
Re: Flammable and Carbon FOTD

i know ur hair has been dark for a while now.. "keep it that way!!! the darkness with your eye color is AMAZING!

poppy z

Well-known member
Re: Flammable and Carbon FOTD

I really love what you(ve done with flammable pain....it gives me some makeup ideas !!!


Well-known member
Re: Flammable and Carbon FOTD

Thank you!!! I like it a lot...but I still miss being blonde! I'm going to keep the dark for a while, but eventually I do plan on going back to blonde. It's more me. It will be a little while though, haha. It's a long process...and I'm not going to start it for a while. Dark is fun for now!!!


Well-known member
Re: Flammable and Carbon FOTD

Thank you, poppy!!! I had never used Flammable before, except for an ugly horrible thing we had to wear to work (when I was at MAC) for World AIDS Day. Oh God, it was hideous. It was vertical stripes, Flammable, then Carbon, then Flammable, and it was a bitch to do and looked like shit on everyone but like, two people...who tweaked it.

So yeah. It was my first time with red eye makeup! Haha. I never really know what to do with Flammable, but it's a really fun color.

So if anyone else has any Flammable ideas...let me know! Haha.


Well-known member
Re: Flammable and Carbon FOTD

Ok, honestly, I am in love with your posts LOL... This is so gorgeous! I'm almost a little sad that it only lasted for a few minutes. The shape is pure perfection... I wish I had your talent!


Well-known member
Re: Flammable and Carbon FOTD

Awww, thank you!!!
You're so sweet. I was kinda sad that it only lasted for a few minutes too, haha. But I figured since I wasn't going anywhere it was better to wash it off while I thought about it, because if I didn't do it right then, I knew I would end up sleeping in it. I'm really really really bad about sleeping in my makeup. Like...really bad.

I'll just do it again sometime and go out in it, haha. It wasn't too hard, surprisingly. I thought Flammable would be more difficult.


Well-known member
Great job on the blending. It's very dramatic. I think your current hair color works very well with those sultry eyes.


Well-known member
Gorgeous as usual. I wish you were in Tampa so you can do my makeup! Your skills are beyond words. And yeah, I can relate to the whole having to wear ridiculous stuff from when I worked at M.A.C. Most of the time it was cool, but every once in a while......not so much! Keep on posting, cuz we love it!!!


Well-known member
i love that first look! the lips are way too hott.
and looking at that fotd from a year ago...you were even amazing with makeup back then! you look so much more grown up now.


Well-known member
This makeup is awesome Ashley:it's not easy to wear Flammable without look like an albino bunny but that colour really suits you!! I think the dark hair helps bring out the makeup too. And your skin is so flawless aaaaaah... that's the way to work a beautiful complexion.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Esperanza
This makeup is awesome Ashley:it's not easy to wear Flammable without look like an albino bunny but that colour really suits you!! I think the dark hair helps bring out the makeup too. And your skin is so flawless aaaaaah... that's the way to work a beautiful complexion.

Haha especially when your skin already looks albino!!! Haha j/k. Thank you.


Well-known member
Thank you guys.

Yeah, some of the "looks" you have to wear to work sometimes are anything BUT cute, haha.