Flirting at work?


Well-known member
Next time he winks say 'Oh don't do that, I might think you're interested!'

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Does he ever talk to you? You could find out some stuff through those conversations and be brave enough to ask him to like a concert or art showing or whatever he's interested in.

Smile back at him when he does that stuff. A smile can speak volumes


Well-known member
cops are kind of weird when it comes to the flirting thing. i'm going to be totally real, most of them are dogs...i don't mean to disrespect them in any way, they just tend to be dogs. trust, i speak from experience haha.

they usually don't wear their wedding rings to work, so you might want to try striking up a conversation and trying to get some information on his marital status first.

i'm not trying to be a buzzkill, but just be careful.
that in mind, i like shimmer's idea.


Well-known member
I would probably host a bunch of people from work at my place... a cook out or poker game.. specifically from work so he has more of a reason to go and next time he's in the office invite him to your event. Then maybe you can get to know him outside of the work place and find out whether or not you actually want to pursue anything.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimmy
cops are kind of weird when it comes to the flirting thing. i'm going to be totally real, most of them are dogs...i don't mean to disrespect them in any way, they just tend to be dogs. trust, i speak from experience haha.

they usually don't wear their wedding rings to work, so you might want to try striking up a conversation and trying to get some information on his marital status first.

i'm not trying to be a buzzkill, but just be careful.
that in mind, i like shimmer's idea.

I agree totally with Kimmy... from personal experience. I have many friends and acquaintances who are cops (male/female) because of my prior line of work (not criminal LOL) and have been with my BF who's a cop, for over four years and therefore hang out a lot with the "boys club". My BF and many of his friends are sincere, great hard working guys. Plus I have a man in uniform thing s-e-x-y LOL.
But then, there are a lot of cop-dogs certainly, I can attest to that too. I think at times there are those cops who are power hungr (full of themselves BS)

But regardless, we can't lump this guy into that category just yet. So,
I agree with Shimmer's idea. And find out his status in some way. For some reason with cops, it seems like everyone knows everyone's business anyways-(horribly kind of like high school)--also agreed on the wedding ring thing.

Good luck!


Well-known member
Thanks all for your input. Btw, I work for the sheriffs dept., he works for the city police, so yes I work with many cops and know what they are like. I am just asking about this situation because I want to let him know I am interested yet be professional.


Well-known member
i work for the sheriff's department, too.
+10 points!

i think as long as you don't fling yourself at him, you'll be fine. since he works for the city, you don't really have much to worry about, tbh. usually city and county guys keep their personal business to themselves, or between the other guys in their department. so if he's not feeling it, i doubt he'd say anything to any of your deputies.

i still do like shimmer's idea...kind of sets him up to make the first move. that way there's no pressure on you to start anything up.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimmy
i work for the sheriff's department, too.
+10 points!

Hell ya!

I like Shimmer's idea too actually.


Well-known member
well, good luck S.S.!! My honeys a deputy so I always laugh at kimmy's new avatar ... I love that show.
let us know how it all goes for you!!!