Fluidline Newbie

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i got my first fluidliner in blitz and glitz today with the 263 brush, i was going to get the 266 brush but the MA said 263 would be better. i'm so excited to use it.

so any tips/tricks/suggestions for fluidline newbie and how to clean it afterwards?


Well-known member
im in the same boat, i bought the blacktrack and the 208 brush...but still having problems applying it, i guess i need more practice?


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i just tried it and when i washed the brush in makeup remover then water it splayed. i'm so sad. it's kinda messed up right now


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I don't have the 263 brush, but I use the 266 with my f/l. The best tip is to just keep practicing!


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keep it as thin as you can if you want thickness you can always go over it twice! I pick up the liner with both sides then wipe off excess with the fluidline pot edges. This way my line comes out thin. I use a small bobbie brown brush and I love it because its the size of my pinkie!


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I went to a MAC event at Bloomies where the MUA suggested using the #266 brush. She stated that if you have an unsteady hand (which is me all the way!) with application that you may want to sit down in front of your make-up mirror and rest your elbow on the table or whatever hard surface to steady your hand. Then she suggested tilting your head slightly up for easier and more precise application of the fluidline on the upper lashline. She explained this better than I just did. If you want to smudge the line then do so rather quickly before it dries. You can smudge with either a q-tip or # 219 brush or finger or other brush you like.
I also heard the #210 brush has more precision than the #266 for application.
I wash all my brushes with baby shampoo but I know people who do love MAC brush cleaner. Just remember to clean it immediately after use since it is a cream/gel product.
Oh and remember to close your lid quickly after use so it doesn't dry out as quickly. Although Fluidlines don't dry up quite as quickly as Bobbi Brown gel liner, IMO.
By the way, I loooove fluidlines!
Have Fun!


Well-known member
hey snap, i bought my first fluidline and in blitz and glitz- thought i could also use it as a base maybe. need practice, but i find starting at the outer corners helps, and stretchin th lid out (if that makes sense! lol) i havent used a mac angled brush yet, i have a body shop one at the mo- but need sumink a lil stiffer. is the 266 or 263 stiff??


Active member
i have the 263 brush but i dont really like it. i think i might exchange it for the 266. can i exchange 263 even if i used it a few times?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by babecakes
i got my first fluidliner in blitz and glitz today with the 263 brush, i was going to get the 266 brush but the MA said 263 would be better. i'm so excited to use it.

so any tips/tricks/suggestions for fluidline newbie and how to clean it afterwards?

I actually got my brushes from Target's Sonia Kashuk's line. I think that she makes excellent quality brushes at great prices. I would recommend using Sonia Kashuk's smudger brush to apply fluidline to your lower lashline. It's like $7.99 and totally worth it. I actually use my trusty finger to apply the fluidline onto my eyelid.
As for tricks, I like Fluidlines as bases. their waterproof, they wont go anywhere and they have a great consistency. For example, I love using MAC's Blacktrack as a base under my MAC Carbon when i an doing a smokey eye. I even use it under my Humid Eyeshadow and Violet. I only apply in on th lid. And always remember to use an eyeshadow base.

Another great one is Blue Peep, which I use under my Aquadisiac e/s.


Well-known member
uggghhhh I hate the 263 with Fluidlines
I'm a huge fan of FL's and I only use the 209 and sometimes the 212 (and I'm sure the 211 would be fine too)

I find that the 209 gives such a beautiful precise line somthing I would NEVER get with the 263


Well-known member
When i first bought the brush and fluidline i tried the usual way of applying liquid eyeliners by dragging (can't think of a better word atm) the brush across but the line always ended up too thick and sorta uneven, so one day i just decided to do these tapping motions, sort of like how u read sometimes where ppl tell u to dot ur eyeliner and join the dots, but instead ur doing _ _ _ but overlapping just a little bit. When i apply my fluidlines like this, i end up with a really thin fine line which i love.

And i use the MAC brush cleaner, i try and wash my brush after each time i use them with my fluidlines, because i once left it overnight and it was abit more difficult to wash off. so now i just put some brush cleaner onto a tissue and wipe my brush on it until there's no trace of the fluidline on the brush and tissue. then at the end of the week, i wash the brush with baby shampoo.

I'm not sure if this is the correct way of applying it or washing the brush, but thats just how i do it. So hopefully it helps u too.
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