Fluidline question


Well-known member
I'm looking at geting a fluidline but can't decide which one. I know people swear by their Blacktrack but I'm wondering about Blitz and Glitz.

I don't often wear black liner but have seen on here that almost everyone uses it on their waterline ( a term that was new to me

What would your recommendations be? I'm a NW20 or NW25 depending on my tan with strawberry blond hair and blue eyes if that helps.


Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Blitz and Glitz looks softer IMO. I don't think you're supposed to use it on the waterline because it contains glitter or something shimmery, forget which.

I personally wear Waveline daily. It's dark blue but it looks good for daily use.


Well-known member
That's good to know about the glitter in Blitz and Glitz. Hmmm I'd like softer but not at the expense of my eyes.

Maybe Waveline would be a good choice for me since I'm scared of black :laughing:


Well-known member
blitz and glitz is a nice color to have.. yes imo it's softer than black as well.... try out a power point liner for your waterline. that's what i use. they are waterproof =)


Well-known member
I have blacktrack and use it alot, but sometimes, it can look very harsh if I line to thick. I am NW15/blonde/blue. I don't have Blitz and Glitz, but I am a little scared to get it and use it on my waterline because of the glitter. Others than I have and use often are Graphic Brown (which I LOVE but it was a limited edition) and Rich Ground. Both are browns, with Graphic Brown being a true chocolate brown with shimmer, and Rich Ground having a bit of red in the brown. Both look awesome with blue eyes! Then there is Dipdown which is a flat chocolate brown. You might like that one to ease in with if you are afraid of black as you mentioned.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
I have blacktrack and use it alot, but sometimes, it can look very harsh if I line to thick. I am NW15/blonde/blue. I don't have Blitz and Glitz, but I am a little scared to get it and use it on my waterline because of the glitter. Others than I have and use often are Graphic Brown (which I LOVE but it was a limited edition) and Rich Ground. Both are browns, with Graphic Brown being a true chocolate brown with shimmer, and Rich Ground having a bit of red in the brown. Both look awesome with blue eyes! Then there is Dipdown which is a flat chocolate brown. You might like that one to ease in with if you are afraid of black as you mentioned.

I have Blacktrack and a Chanel liner (STYLO YEUX WATERPROOF) similar to Blitz & Glitz called Black Shimmer. For a shimmery subtle black, i use the chanel on my water line and you could do the blitz n glitz on your upper lash line.

To tone down my blacktrack i actually double dip/mix my blacktrack with a little rich ground. I get a nice dark brown with subtle shimmer.


Well-known member
I use macroviolet, its like a dark purple. I wear it daily and I'm an NW15 with red hair (a little more red than strawberry blonde).


Well-known member
I would recommend the Dipdown one... a flat dark brown. I think you would likely be happiest with this one to start, as you mentioned you are unsure of black.


Well-known member
you should try nightfish if you can find it. It's a blackish brown and is softer than either blacktrack or blitz & glitz


Well-known member
Thank you so much. These are great suggestions! I'm already planning my next trip to Ottawa (in a bout a month) so I can visit the MAC store at the Rideau Centre.

Then again, I may just have to buy them online before then if I can't wait